It seems I'm the only one who doesn't know

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"You and I both," Matthew replied, "Share the same secret."

Wait, what?

"Huh?" I was confused. What the hell is this about him not being human? And he says they share the same secret. Then is she not human too? Then what are they? Aliens in human skin???

"No," Matthew said, "She doesn't,"

"..." Chris watched the boss quietly, "You're blocking me out," She replied, "Why?"

Blocking her out? From what?

"Mind linking," Harou whispered and I turned to look at him with a confused expression. He had his eyes on both of them and was observing them.

Am I the only one who has no idea what is going on here?

"She spent the night at your place," Chris asked, "Didn't she?"

"And why would you know that?" Matthew asked.

"Is she your mate?"

"No," Matthew gave a swift reply, "Do you think a half like me would have a mate?"

His words kept hitting my heart.

What do you mean I'm not your mate? You told Zhou-Lin I was your mate! Why not tell Chris??

"Unlike me, you grew into a full breed, like Azef did,"


What is happening here? I can tell there's so much I have no clue about and that word, 'mate' definitely had some other meaning.

"Aouuu," Harou's pained groan made me turn my attention to him again, "I shouldn't have gotten on Matthew's nerves..." He let out a whisper and I wondered if this is what the office workers meant when they said never to get on Matthew's nerves.

"Detective," Chris turned to us, "You'll need to see a doctor for that," I looked at his face and scrunched. She's right. He's bleeding, pretty badly.

"Let's go to a hospital for now," I replied.

"Yeah," He let out a meek voice but even before we got to leave Matthew turned around and left the place.

"Clio," Chris came and stood on Harou's other side to support him as well, "I'll bring the detective to his car, why don't you go and see if the boss is alright." She wrapped his arm around her neck.

"Ah," I glanced at Harou, "I think I should help him too."

"It's fine," He replied, "I'll need your help when we get there," He glanced at the other girl, "Chris can help me to the car."

"Alright..." I let him go and reluctantly began to walk out as an anxious feeling began to take its place in my chest.



"Detective," I helped him walk but we went very slowly, "You know who's in that video, don't you?"

He glanced at me, his vision was getting obstructed due to the injury and blood but he still remained patient with it, "I'm sure you can guess who it is, I already told you it's someone from the office."

"You are a hundred percent sure it's someone from the office?"

"I already gave you the explanation for my theory as well."

"And what do you plan on doing about it?" I asked, "If you know who's in the footage, why not arrest him?"

"I am," He replied, "Soon,"

"Why wait?" We made our way down the stairs.

"I'm waiting for the search warrant."

"..." I clenched my jaw, "I see," I nodded, "Detective, you're aware of our existence. I noticed you didn't get confused when Matthew and I talked."

"I am,"

"How long have you known?"


"I see," I nodded as we reached the end of the steps.

"I noticed you planted a tree," He asked, "An Olive tree," He let out a cough, "They grow fast and live very long."

"They do,"

"Why a tree all of a sudden when the rest of the garden is full of plants?"

"..." I had to think before I answered. I was aware he wasn't just making small talk, "It's special," We reached the front door and I opened the door.

Clio came running over and helped Harou in the car and I watched them all leave.

I clicked my tongue and then sighed.

"Matthew..." I whispered his name, "You made trouble for me..."



Matthew and Harou stared at each other while the doctor did his bandages.

They have such a weird relationship.

Harou can arrest Matthew for what he did but he's being patient. I wonder what he's planning?

We quietly waited till Harou's treatment was done but the boss did not utter a single word of apology to the detective even after seeing how badly he had gotten hurt. Looking at Harou after his treatment made him look even more pitiful.

"Are you feeling better, detective?" I asked and he finally smiled.

He nodded, "You're a really sweet kid, Clio," He side-glanced at Matthew, "Too bad you're stuck with him."

"Let's go," Matthew turned to leave with his arms folded.

"Are you really okay?" I asked, "Can you go back to the station yourself?"

"I'll be fine,"

I began to step back slowly with my eyes still on him.

"I'm alright," He waved his hand at me, "Leave, go," He pointed behind me, "Or he might just leave you behind."

I glanced back and noticed that Matthew wasn't stopping. So I turned around and made a run for it.

I glanced at him as we made our way out and he looked like he was still pissed off so I didn't say anything. I had so many questions swirling in my mind but I couldn't bring myself to ask him.

We began to walk back to the company since it wasn't far from the hospital but what I wasn't expecting was for someone to be there waiting for me.

When we reached the building premises I froze when I saw him.

My eyes went wide and my heart dropped.

Why is he here??!

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Where stories live. Discover now