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The sound of the leaves crunched under his feet each time a foot hit the pavement. He had his hoodie over his head as he entered the dark abandoned building. All that could be heard were the barks of a dog and chatter from those on the block as cars flew by. Watching his surroundings he took one last look before entering the contaminated building. No one had been there in years.

The building sat right across from the hood corner store. Everybody's favorite Jesus's Pit Stop although the store wasn't a pit stop thats what Jesus named it. Seeming that it was at a good location for people to just stop and come and shop. Which he was right about because he had alot of business coming in and out of the store everyday. Everybody respected with Jesus and that alone kept em coming back.

Dylani made his way to the roof of the building as he ignored the birds that instantly started flying around at his presence. And the cats that started to run and hide. Answering his vibrating phone he began to set up on the phone.

"Yo." He answered sharply.

"You ready to go?" The voice he grew to hate spoke into his ear causing him to clench his jaw.

"Just about."

After another 2 minutes Dylani had everything situated as he instantly got behind his M24 Sniper Weapons System. He looked through the periscope at the front of Jesus's store and seen the lowlife corner boys hanging in front if the store. He looked over to the right seeing men playing dice. He looked down at his watch reading 11:45pm before putting his attention back on the store.

"He's walking into the store." He heard on his head piece making him place his eyes on the target. Drew.

Drew was a respected man in the hood, he was basically the neighborhood hero. He made sure everybody was good, and made sure his hood was outta the way with all the other hoods.

He was also his hood's supplier, so when drugs were needed they all went to him to get it. He wasn't a fan of it but he did what he thought was smart for his hood. He gave everybody a safe amount and limited them with each sale. Something was better than nothing and he rather them come to him instead of another hood and getting carried away and eventually killing them selves or losing it all for some drugs.

"Eye on the target." Dylani spoke as he attentively watched Drew maneuver around the store.

Drew walked into Jesus's and dapped down the first nigga that spoke to him as his pearly white teeth could be displayed through his smile. "Waddup gang." He spoke calmly. "Been staying out the way huh?" He asked the teenage boy.

"Yeah, been staying out the way playing basketball and shit." The teenager shrugged nonchalantly.

"Thats good J, keep it up." Drew spoke as he threw a friendly punch to his shoulder. "Jesus what you got for me my man?" Drew spoke loudly making his way over to Jesus at the registry.

"Ahh come see my friend." Jesus gestured for Drew to follow him. "Just came in today, once it hit the aisles everybody wasted." Jesus said as he motioned his hands outward demonstrating everybody.

"Word?" Drew asked intrigued. "Lemme see that shit."

Jesus opened the cooler and the alcohol quickly came into view. Spiked minute maid.

"Thats strawberry daiquiri look like it'll do some mean work." Drew commented. "How much they going for?"

"starting at 20 a bottle."

"Just $20 man? Don't cheat yaself. These bottles big as shit." Drew shook his head. "And you know black people love they liquor."

"Si, i'll sleep on it." Jesus commented as he closed the cooler back. "Want first bottle?"

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