The Broken Man

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Robert Thatcher joined the Paras in 1985 at age 16, because believe it or not northern Ireland in the late 80's was safer than home, car bombs and all. He joined 22nd SAS regiment not long after. His career took him to the most dangerous places on the planet, Wherever he was sent HVT's dropped like files. His handler Agent Alistair Locke certainly benefited from Robert's efficiency, he certainly has the promotions to prove it.

He ended up marrying His Locke's sister Isobel, that's even more awkard than it sounds. But that's not what caused his career to come to a halt, shrapnel from an IED saw to that. Robert is now reliant on a cane for getting around. They gave him a bunch of painkillers with names he can't pronounce after the accident but he just tossed them in the bin after a month along with that useless bag of vitamins they gave him for the nightmares.

Rob ended up leaving the SAS as a Warrant Officer Five years later and is now living with his wife in a quite suburb. The only thing that's really changed since his accident is the fact that Isobel does most of the globetrotting as a Emissary. The fact that she makes more than him certainly hasn't though.

He now works as a private security consultant where he can apply the knowledge he acquired during his time in special forces to corporate security. It keeps him busy but he doesn't get the adrenaline rush he used to. To make matters worse his co-workers are about as disciplined as toddlers going through a sugar rush. Most of them were dishonourably discharged for drunken disorderly conducts and these days they hit the bottle even harder.

Robert grabbed the bar on the door frame and pulled himself up repeatedly , this is one of the few exercises Robert can do without worrying about his leg. Even though it's been over thirty years since he graduated from P company he could still hear his old drill sergeant in his head. The man gassed himself in his car a decade ago but he was still very much alive in Roberts head. His body was giving out but he had to prove to that damn voice in his head he hasn't gone soft. He mustered all the strength he had along with strength he didn't to pull himself one final time.

(Ding dong)

But along comes Agent Alister Locke, he and Robert stayed in close contact after what happened during the Gulf war,they're family now after all. But it's been five years since he's seen Alister in person and to make matters worse he's brought along to cups of Costa coffee.

"Al....long time." Robert didn't really know what to say so he just said the first thing that came to mind, he spoke in a cockney accent unlike Alistair who spoke with a RP accent. He noticed Alistair had acquired more grey hairs since they last time they saw each other. Alistar was wearing a dark overcoat over his tailored suit which contrasted quite well with his pale skin. It didn't seem like he was trying to outdo himself, this was simply the norm when it comes to the dress code of British aristocrats .

Well one things for sure he defiantly dresses to impress. As for Robert he was wearing quite modest clothing, he was well put together but it didn't look like he was planning on leaving the house. He simply had a white shirt and blue jeans but the sheer size of him along with his military tattoos certainly made an impression.

"So Al who do you want dead? " Robert asked with a smile.
"Robert there's no need for that I'm here as a friend."Alister responded with his eyebrows slightly raised.
"All do respect I doubt that, you did bring coffee after all and last time I checked that meant you want me to kill someone. So who is he a politician, war lord, terrorist leader, no wait a princess." Robert said with a grin whilst drawing attention to his cane.

"MI6 is starting a new initiative code named Chivalry, it's mission is to conduct black ops within the UK and around the globe without oversight we will complete our mission by any means necessary legal or otherwise." Alistair said with a cold military demeanour.

"Look in case you didn't get the hint I'm not exactly operational these days. I'm sure you can pluck a  young squaddie from any random regiment who'd  be willing to run around with a license to kill, and if things go tits up you'll just hang him out to dry." Robert began drinking the  coffee.

"I can't go through proper channels on this one I need someone I can trust. Look I know this isn't easy for you." Alistair said trying to be understanding.
"No shit." Robert snapped only to continue drinking the  coffee.

"There's more keeping you in retirement than your injury. That Russian put the fear of God in you after what happened in Afghanistan,well stranger things have happened before."

" You're right Al he did and y'know what I wish I could thank him, I get to live in a nice house and fuck you're sister until I well and truly do my back in. Truth is if I came out that op smelling like a rose,I would've kept going til my luck ran out. Here's the best part, you would've drank a toast to my death and moved on." Robert raised the coffee cup mimicking a toast. Alistair remained calm but his steel eyes were now trained on Robert like a laser sight.

" Enough. I've been tracking Pine's movements after Afghanistan and frankly what I've seen frightens me." Alistair continued to staring Robert down.

"So we're all screwed if I don't kill Pine." Robert he quickly glanced at his cane but his demeanour has shifted.
"Well Pine's the primary target of Chivalry but we haven't been able to find him so we've been trying to delay his master plan by eliminating his associates. Before you bring it up again I did consider your injury, Our quartermaster Merlin made it himself." Allister said whilst opening his briefcase which contained a leg brace Robert wasted no time with applying the brace. however it looked more like a sleek hi tech knee pad than the standard leg braces he'd grown accustom to.

"Merlin mentioned a breakthrough in pain relief; I think the brace will shoot anaesthetic into your bloodstream in the event you experience significant pain in your leg." Allister said withdrawing a gun and an ID card from his coat. "Merlin, did you seriously name all your agents after the knights of the round table?" Robert asked with a trying not to laugh

"Intelligence suggests former CIA interrogator the Therapist now works for Pine, during his time in the CIA he maintained a 100% success rate." Allister replied
"Oh please i've been put through every trick in the book the only thing that could take me by surprise is a feather duster." Robert said with scepticism.

"The Therapist isn't your average torturer he doesn't partake in physical abuse, he prefers psychological manipulation, he was hailed as a genius at Langley because his methods were painless, efficient and no one no matter how highly trained nobody can resist them, in fact most of his 'patients' give Intel willingly, so I'd rather you not know the names of your colleges." Alistair said sipping his coffee.
"Okay so out of all the Terrorists, Spies and assassins your sending me to kill, your worried about me running into Doctor Phil." Robert said sipping coffee.

"Suppose so." Alistair said with a smirk "But in all seriousness though ignorance is truly bliss,the less our Knights know about Chivalry and the agents The better. That and I don't want to see your life story on national television. "Alistair said trying not to laugh.
"But why did they have to be so over the top." Robert said laughing
"Well otherwise they'd be boring." Then Allister broke into laughter
"Alright I'm in." Robert said

"Well if I'm going back to hell I'm glad you have my back." Allister said opening the door making his way to his Aston Martin DB5 whilst Robert put on his coat and followed soon after.

Chivalry: Prologue Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt