The Ghastly Murders on Whitechapel Street

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Theophilia admired how time had change for the streets of Wellington, London for the past centuries. She adored the way people spent their days during the era of Queen Victoria. She remembered how women would walk around the streets with gowns puffed up by petticoats. Nobles who held parties and invited guests for tea. She thought to herself, what would life be at a time like that? She knew she didn't fit in with today's time, but she still settled with such modern things anyways. 

"I feel as If I was born on the wrong time." she whispered to herself. 

As she began to space out, she sat by a nearby bench then, a stranger greeted her .

"And why would you say that?" A tall, sharply dressed man spouted at her.

The man looked like a prominent gentleman. He wore a frock overcoat down with his crisp suit and dress shoes. He held a lean cane by his side.

"You awfully seem out of your wits on such a fine day." The mysterious man flashed a wide smile towards Theophilia.

"And you are?" she raised her brows in question.

The unknown man bowed and raised his top hat, "Pardon me, for being rude my lady. I am Alastor Ides. Field Marshal of the 66th Cavalry of her Highness, Queen Alexandrina Victoria.

Theophilia noticed the badges pinned on his overcoat.Stunned by the formal greeting, she noticed the quiet streets of Wellington were getting noisy. As she turned her head, carriages reigned by horses filled the streets. Maidens walking around with parasols, and dapper men decked the sidewalk. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"-dy.... My Lady....are you alright, you seem to have a giggle mug all over your face."

"A giggle what?"

"Oh, you don't seem to be around from here" Alastor's faced turned blank."How'd you figure?" she retorted."Well you would have been knocked on the face with that question, and you dress...rather.... odd.""Hey, I'll have you kn-- Theophilia was cut off by the calls of a group of men from a distance. 

The seem to look disheveled. Their hair in disarray, the incomprehensible slurs coming from their mouths was enough to put Alastor in a state of panic.

"Hey Alastor, where are yah you gal sneaker?" one of them called.

"Those Half rats will never let me have some peace and quiet." 

Alastor pinched the bridge of his nose and took Theophlia by the arm. He dragged her into a secluded are where they wouldn't seen by those blokes. A few minutes in seclusion, Alastor decided to invite Theophlia into his humble home. 

"Wouldn't want those idiots lally-gagging at yah."

"Uhh yeah, whatever that means. Wait, where are we? And what year is it, that's not a socially acceptable amount of clothing in the 20th century."

"Well you're in Middlesex Street. It's the 2nd day of March in the year 1864", Alastor stated in a delighted manner.

Theophelia was shook. One moment she was walking the streets of Wellington. Next thing she knew, she was hiding in a corner of who-knows-where with a man who had a funny way of speaking. She reached into her bag and rummaged for her phone.

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