Chapter 43: I dare you

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Susan stood there sweating profusely as her breath began to shake.

The media is definitely going to swallow her.

You said Avis is out of the country receiving treatment, this video here shows he is still in New York...

He looks Healthy, did you lie to us?...

Are you creating hype for attention?!...

Do you even have any shame at all? How dare you try to frame Chantel!..

Susan slowly move back as the reporters threw some many questions at her. At that moment, she wish the ground could just open up and swallow her.

She bite down her lips trying to suppress the nervousness growing inside her.

Just as the reporters made to take a move, a hand grab Susan, leading her to a car immediately.

Getting inside, she recognized who just saved her. They are her father's men. She let out the breath she had been holding and look around.

Chantel just beat her in her own game? She made her look like a fool!

She groaned out loud and punch the seat before her.

"How could you have acted on your own without my concept. I thought you are smarter than this? How could you have lied to the media? Do you know the implications of what you just did?!" Mr Harrison yelled at Susan.

"I can't just sit and watch them. They deserved to be taught a lesson!" Susan yelled back.

"I told you to let me help you clear her out of the way but you refused. What else do you want me to do?!"

"I want to bring her down myself! And I'm going to do it. I don't want their punishment to be that easy" Susan said.

"You shouldn't have divorce Dominic in the first place. I and Steven should have be a close partner by now. But you ruin my plan" He said.

"You were the one who forced into that marriage knowing I have a lover. Gosh!.. it wasn't easy, I can't believe he fell for me stupidly during those time...

"So you decided to get pregnant? Just to ruin everything?"

"I can't help it. Dustin and I had a rough sex and it led into pregnancy. I just couldn't take it so I left with him. Dustin died two years ago, are you happy now?" She asked, her eyes tears up a bit.

Mr Harrison sighed.

"What can I do dear. I can't just sit and watch you do everything yourself" He said.

"I want Dominic, I want to separate those couples and want him to love me back just like he did years ago. Without Dominic, Chantel is nothing" She smirked.


"What do you mean the contract can't be completed today? I thought we had an agreement?" Rana raised her brow at Harper.

"Something came up. Mr Austin had to travel out of the country. I can assure you by tomorrow, the contract will be completed and the celebration will hold same night" Harper said lightly adjusting her glasses.

"Alright" Chantel replied before Rana could ask another question.

Ford entertainment industry is one of the best company made for artist. Their resources are extremely great, and their treatment there is fair. Getting in isn't easy. Chantel being at the age of 27 made it a bit hard for them to take her in. Though she look extremely younger than her age.

"Remember the fact that this artist bought down a whole company. She had so many scandals. She humiliated a model right before everyone on the day she was given award, she is dangerous. Is that the same artist President Austin's want to sign in?" Nolan said to Harper as they both work on their various appointment.

The Billionaire crazy WifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz