Whoever said Paris was the city of love?

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Seb's POV:

I know I shouldn't be here and yet I can't find it in me to mind. I mean, why should I worry about school when I'm walking in New York hand in hand with my girlfriend and best friend, experiencing the romance of the city and revelling in the joys of freedom? No adults. No rules. Just Ellie and I against the world. Or a city for that matter.

"What are you thinking about?" She questions. I look across at her, smiling at her oversized sunglasses and floppy hat.

"Home..." I smile half-heartedly and hold her hand tighter, pulling her into the side of my body. Stereotypically the girl is supposed to be taller than the boy, but she's been bullying me about my small height for years. Not that I mind. I bully her for her snoring so we're all even.

"We're here and you are thinking about home? Home is not the thing to think about darling Seb," she teases, her hair falling down her back in soft curls, and making me smile a little more.

"Darling Seb?" I ask, scoffing and pushing my glasses onto the top of my head, squinting against the sunlight but appreciating the brighter colours of NYC. This is where I told Ellie I was in love with her and when she kissed me for the first time. Well, the second to be honest, but the first when we weren't drunk.

"It was an 'in the moment' type of thing" she shrugs and scrunches up her nose. I turn to face her, stopping in the centre of the bustling street and look her in the eye.
She furrows her own and her mouth opens slightly.

"I love you, you know that?" I beam, and pull her glasses off her face, revealing her bright eyes which glow under the reflections of the buildings. She nods and wraps her hands around my stomach, pressing my chest against hers.

"I do...but I have more interesting news," she says mischievously. I raise an eyebrow, which she insists I need to pluck. I've learnt from experience that she is wrong. "Guess who has moved into the city?"

"I couldn't venture a guess" I say sarcastically, mocking her. I've known for weeks that Willa moved into the city, but it pleases me to see Ellie so happy about it. I don't quite understand why though.

"Oh shush," she grins, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I was thinking we could pay her a visit."

"Why would you want to do that?"

She looks over at me, smirking and looks over at a café across the street, her finger aiming in it's direction. "She works there..." she informs me. "My Dad told me when I visited Eloise and him yesterday."

"You hate her though," I protest, shaking my head. "I don't want to put you through that."
She laughs to herself and starts to pull me across the street, weaving between taxis and apologising to people who can't even hear her.

" Ellie!" I cry, trying to stop her, but failing miserably against her freakish strength.
She stops in front of the café which appears to be crumbling with age. The letters of the name are falling off, which leaves;
C ffe f r the hea t.

"Nice..." I mutter under my breath, taking in the awfulness of it all. "She works here?"

"Yup!" she smiles chirpily and looks through the window. "She's right there!"

"Is something up with Willa?" I inquire, sensing an evil plan coming a long.

"Willa, my darling Seb, has a bun in the oven...Did I just say that? I never say stuff like that. Anyway, she's pregnant."

"She is?" I say in shock, leaning against the door as if preparing to enter. "Still though, why do you want to talk to her?"

"Well, I bought her some baby stuff," she informs me and my mouth drops open. "It's only fair." And without another word said she pushes through the doors, leaving me on the street.
I don't follow her in straight away, but stand where I am, dumb-founded. I have realised that whilst we have been travelling together she has become happier, and I'm not sure if I'm imagining it, but she appears to be undoing her mistakes as we travel across the world. She bought her Dad a late wedding present. Took Eloise to France for the week and bought her macaroons daily. And now Willa.

"Seb?" I hear Willa from the entrance and I look up, taking in her frail frame for the first time in months. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, Ellie wanted to stop by, so here I am" I announce, if a little coldly. "So, you're pregnant."
Her eyes well up with tears and she looks down, almost looking...ashamed?

"It was an accident," she sobs, the tears falling. "And I haven't spoken to my family since! They want nothing to do with me now. I'm going to be a single Mother working in a crappy coffee shop, unable to pay for anything or do anything for the rest of my life. I've messed up my life Seb. Every aspect of it..."

It's in that moment that Ellie pops her head out of the door. She passes me a coffee and steps outside, looking as happy as ever.

"No you haven't," Ellie says to Willa, stroking her arm. "Seb and I are going to help you be happy."

"H...how?" She stutters in response, rubbing her nose.

"Yeah...how?" I input. Ellie elbows me gently and glances at Willa who is looking at us with hopeful eyes.

"Willa, you are coming backpacking with us," Ellie says. I almost spit out my coffee and Willa gasps, putting a hand to her mouth.

"I couldn't..." she breathes, and I nod in agreement.

"She's pregnant!" I protest, pointing to the protruding bump on her stomach. Ellie sighs over dramatically.

"She isn't going to be pregnant forever is she? And when she isn't we'll drop her off at a decent house and give her enough money to get by. We'll visit every couple of months too...come on Seb!" Ellie almost pleads, looking at me with her big shiny eyes. I wave my hand in permission, even though I'm not too pleased about it.

"Yay!" Ellie exclaims and pulls Willa in for a hug. "You won't believe the adventures we've been on..."

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