Chapter One

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Her hair is quickly coming out of its ponytail as she races away. The strands whip across her face and cheeks. She can't stop to fix it or take the time to push it away. She needs to hurry.

It is a matter of life and death.

Her breath rushes out and her chest is burning with her efforts. She isn't going to last much longer before she will need to stop. Her sides are clenching too but she fights the urge to stop.

Her body is failing her.

Her stubbornness and fear is all that is keeping her upright. She dares not look back or around. She knows where she is going like the back of her hand. She doesn't need to collect her bearings or need directions. Her mind is racing with her body. All the possibilities and fears flash one after another, fueling her adrenaline.

She feels the presence of the other before she sees it. It is menacing and wants more than she is willing to give. She screams her anger and frustration that she has been caught again. She is so close! She just needs to make it a little bit further.

She gives a final burst right before she hears that terrifying boom..."You are mine now!"

The darkness closes in and she screams one last time in pain and frustration just as her mind and body give in.


Her dark brown eyes whip open.

That moment between sleep and reality is blurred but sharpening fast. Her breath rushes out and she groans; frustrated as usual.

"Ugh, why can't it ever be a hot man making me feel exhausted and out of breath?!" Emmaline huffs as she rubs at her eyes and slowly sits up.

Her bed is a hot mess. The quilt is hanging on to the bed for dear life. The pillows are nowhere to be seen.

Nothing like cleaning up after a nightmare to start her Saturday off.

She swings her legs around and begins to hunt the abandoned pillows down. She throws everything on the bed, not bothering to fix it properly. She goes about her business, grabbing a t-shirt and jeans from the clean laundry basket. She flips on the radio to something easy and light as she walks into the kitchen and starts the coffee maker.

"Hmmmm...what to eat, what to eat? She mumbles, looking in the cupboard. Pop tart sounds about right.  She goes through the motions of the day, boring and uneventful.

She jolts upright as her cellphone startles her from being engrossed in her latest romance novel. She reaches across the couch to see who has pervaded her reading bliss.

"Soooooo....whatcha doing tonight????" Shelby draws out playfully on the other side.

Emmaline rolls her eyes. "Nothing as usual. Just keeping it low key. You?"

"I really want to hit up this new club. It has already been open for a few weeks and I hear the dj is pretty good. Wanna go? I already asked the other girls and everyone else was busy. I can't go alone!!! Please please please!!!" Shelby squealed and begged.

Emmaline closed her eyes. Shelby always wanted to go out and party. She was between boyfriends at the moment though after tonight she would at least have some guy for the weekend. The last thing she wanted to do was go out but she was already such a hermit she knew it wasn't good for her. She was isolated and even Shelby and the other girls at work were just casual. She sighed. "Yeah that is fine. Where is it and what time?"


It was hot outside even though November had started. There was hardly a difference between summer and fall here except the pumpkin spice and colored leaves. It was 10:30pm  and she was supposed to meet Shelby at 11pm. It was now or never.

She grabbed her cell and small wristlet and headed out. 

She was going to take the bus to get there. She didnt feel the need to have a car even though she knew how to drive. She started walking towards the bus stop just a few blocks away.

She was wearing a simple black swing tank with gold straps and black jeans. She opted for a few gold bangles and black heeled boots to complete the outfit. She wasn't looking for attention like Shelby was.

In fact, she would be just peachy if no guy approached her at all tonight. She had never had much interest in guys. She had tried to go out on a few dates and had even had some light make out sessions but it just didn't feel right. The fire and passion she read about was never there. She didn't feel a spark or any real attraction. Plus she had her own secrets to hide....It would've been difficult to pretend to be normal everyday.

Suddenly, her "other" sense started screaming a warning.

She stopped dead in her tracks. She could see the bus stop down the road but something inside said danger was to come. She could feel that familiar rush awakening inside her. She looked at her bare arms and saw nothing but her power burned just beneath. She debated on what to do.

She was probably going to be late as it was and the bus was not far away at all. She could probably take on anything that tried to harm her. She took a deep breath and cursed the damn heeled boots. Of course she hadn't chose to wear flats. Ugh

She started walking as quickly as she could. There was an alley to her left and the park to her right. Chances were that the danger was in the narrow alley. She started stepping to the right side of the road.

Then she felt it....

There was something watching her. She gasped at the feeling of menace and recognition.

It was her dream....The other had found her...

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