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Hi hello bonjour!

I'm so excited to be participating in the Open Novella Contest this year! Last year went a little wonky as we all know, and I never got past the first round because life got in the way of writing. This year I'm back with another ridiculous story to lighten the mood and hopefully have you rolling on the floor.

I mashed up a whole lot of prompts to get this story and they're as follows:

2. During a zombie apocolypse, you and your party are surrounded by zombies - you bite it and it turns back

54. You get a mysterious message on your phone stating, Agent 23, you have been actiated. You guess its a bad time to have amnesia.

57. Death has records of everyone's existence. Except, according to Death, your records don't exist.

62. Waking up to an omen of death on your doorstep isn't exactly how you pictured your Monday morning.

63. You a magic wielder, accidentally stole the most fearsome supernatural family's relic.

I'm not sure what my posting schedule will be (maybe I'll write it all and edit then post or post as I write the first draft and then edit 🤷🏻‍♀️) but rest assured I will have the first chapters up by the first deadline.

I hope you enjoy this very silly story. ❤️

Fear, Loathing, and Zombieasaurs in Las Vegas | ONC 2021Where stories live. Discover now