Happy Birthday Silver!

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I was curled up, knees to my chest, arms wrapped around my legs, trying to keep warm in my 'home.' It was a run down abandoned shack of some sort, leaves in one pile and sacks in another. Holes in the ceiling, cracks in the floor, a creaky old door, and broken windows...the only place I have as a home and its December. Snowing outside, with snow blowing inside every now and then...but I should be used to this now, shouldn't I be? I mean, I spent most of my childhood living in an ice box, literally. Masked Man never let any heat in...

I sighed. I guess I should leave and start going somewhere...don't know where, but its better than being stuck in this run down building. I stood, brushing the leaves off myself and headed out. 

I found myself walking through New Bark after a while (since I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going). And, just my luck, Gold was outside of his house getting the mail. 

"Hey! Silver~! Whatcha doin' out here in the cold?" He yelled to me, waving frantically. "Why don't you come in? It'll be warmer than freezing out here!" 

"I'm just fine out here..." I said, continuing to walk away. 

"No...Silvy, come back!"

Just ignore him and he'll go away...

"Wait!" I heard the shuffling of snow behind me, and a slight tug on the collar of my jacket. Which turned into Gold dragging me to his house. 

"I said I'm fine out here! Let go of me Gold!" I yelled, struggling. Of course he didn't listen, and he brought me into his house. 

"Mother! I have a friend over!" He shouted to his mother, who was standing in the kitchen, acting like Gold dragging people into the house was normal. "You must be cold, you want some hot chocolate or something?"

"No." I replied. "I didn't wanna be here in the first place." 

"But come on, its Christmas Eve; isn't it better to be with friends than by yourself?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever..." It's also my birthday...of course he doesn't care...

"Well the Dexholders are having a party later, and you're a Dexholder...so you should come." He said, grinning.

"No thanks. You know I don't like parties."

"But come on!! This day comes once a year!" 

"A no is a no, Gold, I'm not coming." 



"You're coming no matter what. Even if I have to drag you there."

"You're not dragging me anywhere."


"Let go of me!!" I clawed at the snowy ground, being dragged out of the house, belly down. Snow was getting up my shirt, and my boot was almost coming off from Gold grabbing it. 

"What?! I can't hear you!" Gold said, obviously pretending. "You should take your face out of the snow!" He laughed. 

After a while, we stopped and he dropped my leg that he was holding onto. 

"Now brush that snow off of yourself and we can head in." He said as I was standing up. 

I sighed, doing as I was told, and even shaking some of the snow that hasn't melted yet out of my shirt. 

"Lets go, Slowpoke!" Gold shouted, grabbing my wrist and running inside. 

Inside was much, much warmer than outside, snacks everywhere, familiar Dexholders everywhere, and a decorated tree in the corner with wrapped gifts underneath. 

"I'm gonna go talk with Kris, you can go do whatever I guess." Gold said, letting go of me and running over to Crystal. So I was forced to this party only to be left alone? Wonderful. Well not that I care or anything! Its just pointless being forced to come here and being left like that. 

I decided to walk over to the presents under the tree, just to see whats there.

'To Red. From Yellow.'

'To Green. From Blue.'

'To Sapphire. From Ruby.'

'To Prez. From Black.'

'To Super Serious Gal. From Gold.'

I looked and looked...nothing for me. No birthday, no Christmas, nothing...

"Heh...I guess no one does care about me..." I whispered under my breath. 

"Hey, what are you doing over here being a loner?" A voice said behind me, surprising me. I turned, seeing Blue. 

"No reason..." I said.

"Well why don't we go get you a little snack or something? You look like you could use something to eat." She smiled, guiding me over to the snack table. 

"No, I don't need anything to eat..."

"Nonsense!" She shouted, putting a plate and fork in my hands. "How about some cake?" 

"Blue, I said I don't..." I stopped looking at the cake. 

'Happy Birthday Silver!' 

I blinked, thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me. 

"What's wrong? We aren't allowed to celebrate your birthday?" Blue laughed. At this point everyone was around us. 

"I thought you guys didn't care or you forgot..." 

"Forget? We'd never forget, or not care. You're our friend." 

"But then why aren't there any gifts under the tree for me?"

"We hid them in the other room to surprise you." Crystal said.

Gold dragged in a bag, dumping the contents in front of me. All of them presents to me. 

"So that's why you were so persistant on getting me here." I said to Gold. 

"Duh. You're such a party pooper." He replied. "Well hurry up, these presents aren't gonna open themselves!" 

I rolled my eyes, but smiled a bit. They really do care...

"Happy birthday Silver!"


December 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Silver!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant