Chapter 9

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There are few things I hate but at the top of that list is staying at a hospital.

Guess where I am at right now? You guessed it. I am stuck at a hospital. The damn hospital, where the walls are barren and devoid of any color. They are sad white colored. The smell of all the disinfectants is making me sneeze. Oh, and that made the nurses think I have a fucking cold or the flu. Geez! Couldn't they believe me for once and realize I am telling the truth that I am allergic to that god-awful scent. I mean I have been in a hospital enough times in my life to know I hate them. Despise them. Yet here I am stuck to a damn bed for more than a day, I think.

If you ask why I am here for a day I am going to have to guess it has to do with me fainting. Also, my sister is rich. Didn't know that. And apparently, she does not value her money and likes to spend it on me. Also, known as making me stay at a hospital, where doctors poke me, and the walls mock me. Oh, and she got me a room. Like I needed one. I am so pissed off right now. At her, at me, at everything. I just can't believe I am back at a hospital for crying out loud. Also, I am not sure why I am here still now. I mean I should be released right? I do not have anything, I just fainted. Well except for the shooting pain. But that is normal for me, a reminder that I am still alive. Ain't life fun!

The doctor has not got my whole medical history yet. I should have it with me. But I do not. I thought I brought it with me, apparently not. My sister has no idea except my right leg. And I hope it stays like that. I do not want her to trouble anymore. I do not feel comfortable. I mean I have no idea how she would react if she ever learns the truth. But I do not want her to know. At least not yet. And my current doctor does not know yet as well. Because he keeps asking me just about my leg, as if that is the only thing. Huh! I do want to see the shock on his face when he learns the truth. But will he tell Tori? I mean can I even request him not to? I am still a minor and Tori is my legal guardian now. Can't really say family, even though we are sisters by blood.

Blood. That is where our connection unfortunately ends. I mean I cannot remember a night when I didn't wish for her to come for me, call me, write to me, anything. Any contact. But none came. I did not give up. I am stubborn like that. When I was in the hospital for the first time, I wished and prayed that somehow, Tori got the news, and she would come to visit me. None of those wishes came true. Tori would not have been here now had it not for my dear aunt who refused to let me stay, and the officer who found Tori. Turns out it was easy to find her, except she did not want to find me. Look for me over the years. Because for her it must have been easy. After all she is a genius, and she owns the tech company. I wish I could say I understand some of the things written on the website, but I don't. I am not a genius. I am barely a B+ student. Scrapped together few good grades once in a while to stay in school.

I had that accident just before high school started, well that derailed me going to school for a while. Then as you know I could not walk, so I had to go through extensive Physical Therapy. Because I refused to use a wheelchair for life. I did use it for a while till I used clutches. None of which I brought here. For one I did not want Tori to know, and two I really thought I would not need them ever. Clearly, I am wrong. As here I am stuck in a hospital bed, with nurses and doctors fluttering about, staring at the sad, depressed white walls. There is nothing more I would like right now than to be anywhere but here.

My doc strolls into my room, like he is talking a walk in the park. I look at him, more like glare at him. He lifts his eyes from the file he is reading and smiles at me. His smile mocks me, it feels like its saying, 'I got you, you fake weirdo'.

"So, how are we feeling right now?"

"We are not feeling anything. I am feeling good. No idea about you though doc." I spat the word doc with as much hatred as I could muster.

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