03. {strike first}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

it was a common thing for gioia to randomly seal herself in her room and stay there, not wanting to come out. she would leave for basic things like doing chores, eating and using the bathroom for essential necessities.

she had seen neither miguel nor johnny since the day of the mini-mart fight, and she was definitely missing her friend. bianca suggested she pop to the boy's house to say hello, but she refused - insisting her social battery had run out.

"someone's at the door for you, gioia!" her mother yelled out, "and i'm heading off to work."

"addio mamma." gioia grunted as she got up from her bed, she was in her favourite unicorn pyjamas and hadn't noticed. once she entered the front room, she was greeted with miguel, who wore a broad smile on his face. "let's go," he spoke.

"let's go?" she repeated his words, turning it into a question.

"right, sorry." he stopped for a second, "johnny, the man who beat up those boys, opened a karate dojo; you and i are going to be his first students."

gioia's face scrunched up in confusion at his offer, "we are?"

"only if you want to be, of course."

she shrugged, "sure, let us go."

miguel stopped her from moving any further towards the door, "as much as i love your... unicorn outfit,"

she looked down and saw her choice of clothing, her face burning up in embarrassment.

"i don't think it's appropriate for martial arts," he concluded.

gioia agreed while hurrying to her bedroom, "wait right here, just-just give me a couple of minutes."

"yeah, i'll wait."

"hold on..." she sped back into the room to see him looking at her with a perplexed expression, "have you done something to your hair?"

─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

the two stood facing johnny in silence. the man was in a black karate gi with a yellow cobra snake on the back. johnny had been reluctant to let the girl, but after she and miguel began going on about sexism and equality, he said if they 'shut their face holes' she could join. so they did.

now, they had been waiting for johnny to speak, but he didn't. "sooo, are we going to get the karate pyjamas too?" miguel quizzed.

"quiet!" johnny yelled into the boy's face.


"the student only speaks when spoken to." johnny instructed, "is that understood?"


VIRTUAL AEROBICS; eli moskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now