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04. The Buffalo, the Impulsiveness, and the Baboon

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I need coffee. Black, no sugar. Thank you.

His buffalo voice keeps replaying in my head. Who the hell does he think he is? Fine, he's the boss of my boss, which means he's my boss too, but still, he has no right to be disrespectful to me or to treat me like shit. Maybe I should show him real shit.

After rummaging through the pantry cupboard, I pull out a white cup with the Remington logo on it since I have no idea which one is his. Not that I give a damn. I could have just grabbed the dirty one from the sink if there was none left in the cupboard for all I care. It's true that I used to be an executive assistant several years back, and sometimes, my ex-boss asked me nicely to make him coffee when the tea ladies had left work, and I did it gladly because I didn't see it as an issue. My only problem now is his face.

Despite the organizational hierarchy, everyone should treat each other with respect. A toxic work environment is a big red flag, to begin with. Maybe behind the big name of the Remington Group, this job isn't worth it after all.

While waiting for the coffee machine to brew, I fish my phone out of my pocket and dial my sister's number. "Hey, Soph," I greet with a relieved sigh after hearing a familiar voice from the other side. "I'm going to be late tonight. I don't think I will make it there before dinner."

"Don't worry about it. You guys can always eat dinner with us. Chloe is in Diana's room now, having girl time, and I'm not allowed to join them." Sophie chuckles.

"At least some of us are having fun."

"Yeah." I hear a shuffling sound in the background. Knowing her, she must be preparing dinner right now. "How's work?"

"The work is fine. Still need to learn more before they let me handle my own accounts."

"Okay...but do I hear a 'but' here?"

I put my hand behind my neck and massage it softly. "My big boss is a capital A." Realizing that someone might hear me, I scoot to the pantry door and stick my head out to check the hallway. Luckily, it's as dead as when I came in. "I have to stay back because I'm making his damn coffee right now."

"Huh? Did you apply for the wrong position?"

"Of course not. I'll tell you the whole story later. I need to plan for revenge now then I'll be on my way to your place."

"Char, what are you going to do?" she asks, her tone reminding me of the day I decided to move out with Chloe from our parents' house.

I shrug and tell her the truth. "I don't know yet."

"Don't do anything stupid. People would kill to be in your position now."

And they will be literally killed after they get in. "Yeah okay. No one will get killed tonight, don't worry," I reply in a dismissive tone.

"Why am I not convinced?"

"The coffee is almost ready. I'll see you in an hour or so. Bye," I hang up before my sister can mutter any more words.

I slip my phone back into my pocket and chuckle softly, thinking about how different Sophie and I are. She has always been the considerate and sensible big sister, while I'm the impulsive and immature one. I remember how our parents used to compare us and wished I would've been more like her to spare them a headache. But hey, who can choose their personality? I'm just glad that they finally see that I'm not Sophie, and that they know damn well how hard I've tried to be what they want.

The coffee machine spits a gurgling sound, pulling me back to my current state of mind. Coffee. Black. No sugar. Asshole.

Waiting for the noise to stop completely, my eyes roam over the pantry shelves, casually scanning what the tea ladies store for the executive floor. Salt, sugar, pepper, ketchup, mustard– My eyes stumble upon the small bottle with red liquid in it.

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