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I was inspired to write this while listening to Human by Christina Perri. This song just reminded me of America. This is my first Aph fic and one of the few fics I decided to share
Side note: I may have missed a few errors so please tell me where I may have made a mistake I tend to over look things when reading.
TW(trigger warning): suicide and death. If you feel you might be phased by this in a negative way then please stop here.
I can hold my breath
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days if that's what you want
Be your number one
The UN meetings. When America first started attending these meetings he enjoyed them so much. Now all they were was an endless day of torchere. They jabbed him with insult after insult. It hurt him so much. Did Alfred ever say anything? No. He never told them how much it hurt. They really wouldn't care

True he had a few friends. Japan, Lithuania, Prussia, Canada, and even Denmark. Some closer then other but people he could consider friends.

However, he still felt deep down inside they all hated him.

America came up to the large doors of the UN building in New York. The City active, even though it's quite early in the morning (hey it's newyork city, it never rests)

He goes to the desk and checks in and heads to the meeting room. For the past few months, he has arrived fifteen minutes early so england could never jibe him about being late. most countries don't arrive till later excluding Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others that are more business countries that are always early.

America glanced at his watch 6:55 yes... Five minutes till the meeting begins. Soon enough more countries come through the doors.

Let the torture begin.

I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh
I can dance a plane apart
If that's what you ask
Give you all I am

"America your looking rather pale are you feeling okay"

Canada asks. Of course. His twin brother who he should trust, tell him how he feels about anything.

Either way America flashes his famous Hollywood smile at him.

His fake smile.

"Of course dude! I feel great!"


"Alright, just remember you can tell me anything"

That's what he always says. But it's not like he hasn't insulted alfred before. Matthew has too gotten upset with america. Canada has made america cry before. Believe it or not, insults hurt physically. Matthew said he took back everything before. Alfred still believes he just said that to make him feel better .

Canada took his normal seat next to France who was next to England. who was next to America.

England says his "good morning" to his former colony as normal. "I must say america your attire is rather.. different. but in a good way. it's looks nice. Although it appears you have a stain from one of your burgers your gorged down this morning".

An insult and a complement in the same breath. Just like him. America had been dressing differently. to the meeting he always wears something nice. nothing too fancy but not too casual. He doesn't wear his jacket anymore to the meetings.

The stain on his shirt though wasn't from one of his burgers, it was from the tea he had to drink in the way to the meeting.

He stayed up late finishing up the papers he spent a weeks working on. making sure they were perfect. He wasn't really into tea but he stopped drinking coffee a while ago. he stopped eating mcdonalds too.

HumanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang