Chapter 20

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Awkward. Extremely awkward. Very, very awkward.

You know when awkwardness radiates from you so much so that the air around you become thick with awkwardness. That's my situation right now. It started with Mark asking me something on Friday at the hangout. After talking to Diane, I went to the hangout with June and Alice. Still shocked about that one. But I am beginning to accept the fact that they would be shocking me from time to time. The cousins I mean. Others were shocked too. Lee knew I got a ride since I did not text her. When we reached the guys were still not there except Danny. Well Danny does not play any sport, so he did not have practice.

Soon the guys came in from their practice. Mark and Jeffrey are in the football team and Jake is in the soccer team. We all pile around the room then. Danny and Silver suggested we get food. They suggested we have dinner at the hangout that night as that way we get to spend a lot more time than usual. We all agreed that is a good idea. So, they called their respective parents or family members to let them know. I called Tori and informed her, but she didn't say anything. She just told me to be home by midnight or latest by 1. She also said none of us should walk alone and whoever is walking me home can spend the night in Tori's house. It would be more fun and safer as well. I did not oppose. I told Lee immediately. Because she was the only one who's been to my house and somehow, I know we would be walking or riding together. Since Lee insists, I don't walk when I don't have to.

"Why does Charlie get to continue the fun and we don't?" Jake asked. We all laugh a little to his question. But Lee immediately tells her dad, and I think he agreed as she just punched the air with her right hand. I mean I would not expect otherwise. Her dad let us have a sleepover on Monday. Even Tori didn't mind it. That threw me off guard a little bit.

Danny and Silver went to get dinner. Not sure what they are getting since none of us said anything. Either burger or sandwiches. Those would be easy to carry and will please everyone here no questions asked. That's exactly what they got. Only they brought both. Apparently, they could not come to conclusion which one to take either. Hence, both for all of us. The weird part was we all ate both by the end of the night. We were all chatting about our day while they were getting food. Suddenly Mark asked me to walk a few steps away with him. I went thinking what he wanted to talk about.

"So, there is this party tomorrow night..." Oh no. I did not like where it was going then only. Then he continued, "I was thinking would you want to maybe go with me?" That was the first sign of this awkwardness.

"I am sorry Mark. I can't. I..." He did not let me finish. That was the second sign. I was going to say I am already going but I just can't go with him.

"It's okay. I'll probably not go either. I just thought it was a senior party and you have not been to a party here."

"I am so sorry Mark."

"Chill no worries. I just wanted to ask if you wanna go. Its fine. Come on let's join the others and see what all stories the rumor mill brought today." Mark said to lighten the mood. But that was when the awkwardness first started.

We went back then I heard Alice talking about the cheerleading practice. It was interesting hearing what she was saying. Then all of a sudden, she talks about Diane and Grace's fight but in a very dramatic manner. Not at all like how it happened. I listened to her, no one was asking questions. They were commenting on Diane being a bitch or even a witch. But it was interesting and kind of frustrating to hear how she made Diane the bad guy here when she saved me. Or maybe it was what everyone believes that they literally ignored the part when Alice said Diane saved me, she did not let me do the flips. Then she praised me for showing Julia how to do the tricks. She also talked about how Diane and Grace talked in hushed tones in the farthest corner of the gym. That was when I heard they all call Grace a bitch. But it immediately followed by 'what to expect from Diane's posse'.

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