Chapter 23

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When you know that whatever is about to happen will be some sort of a disaster, and then you find out it really is. That is the perfect way to describe this impromptu trip to my hometown in Wisconsin.

First, we booked tickets and we all, I mean all of us including Alex and James were going there. I was shocked beyond belief. I forgot talking, my brain forgot how to form sentences. For few reasons. One I did not think I would be going back, well not so soon. Second, that house and going back there with Tori and Liz too. Well, it's sort of surreal. In a good and a bad way. Good because it is part of one of my many daydreams and bad because well the reality includes stuff. Stuff that I do not want Tori to find out. About me and about her too.

Mostly what mom and dad did to Tori's room, the clothes she left behind and all her other stuff. That reminded me of the question I thought to ask Tori few days back. But I never did. Now would be the perfect time. We packed stuff for our trip. I asked Tori again why we are going there now? Like what is the rush. At first Tori said she needs to sell the house. I said nothing and went back to packing. Something about it did not sit well with me. So, I asked again on the way to the airport, she said that the lawyer wants to discuss their will with us and then she would sell the house. Okay. I thought that made more sense.

In flight Tori and I sat side by side. James was technically beside me, but he settled himself on my lap for the most part. He fell asleep too. I was sure Tori and Liz would sit side by side and I was okay sitting beside the kids. But Tori sat beside me. Liz just nodded at her. I have no idea what is going on. But then I realized something was going on. Well, it did give me a chance to talk to Tori, so I took the opportunity. And asked her the question that plagued my mind for days. But since I forgot to ask her about it, I would say that sentence is a lie. But I do remember it now.

"Tori can I ask you something?"

"Sure Kris."

"Tori don't mind. Also, please don't be angry either. I just thought that if you were thrown out, which I believe you about. Trust me I do. But how did you manage to pack your things and get to say bye to me?"

"Oh well. Because dad threw me out, mom asked me to comeback that Saturday after dad went away on his trip. She gave me time to pack everything I need that I can take. Also, to say goodbye to you. Only I did not want to. Say goodbye to you that is. I tried anything and everything to contact you, to see you once again. But they locked me out. At first it felt like I was in a prison then slowly, I tried to not think about that and just focused on school. Well, that is how Polygon Paradox was born. As a school project. Can you believe it?"

"I can actually. Because in case you didn't notice Tori, you're brilliant."

"Yeah. Well, I am glad you think so. As mom and dad never did. Dad in fact hated me for it, at least it seemed like that. And mom well she is something else."

"I know. Trust me I know. I know a lot more than you think. But I know what you mean." I squeeze Tori's hand before continuing. "I am glad mom at least gave you a chance to pack and say bye to me. I mean otherwise I would not have been able to say bye even. That would have messed me up more, I am sure."

"Kris was it that bad living with them? You know what you don't have to answer."

"It was not ideal let's say that. It was far from normal. Bad? Well, it depends, I guess. It was bad when I lived there, but I got used to it slowly, then I just accepted it as my fate. Before I turned 15 that is. Then I used it to my advantage. They didn't even see it coming. It taught me stuff too. It taught me to have hope. Hope that no matter however shitty a situation is there will always be good afterwards. That for me is now. You were my hope, seeing you, being with you. Only I never expected you to have kids. But I love them, so I am glad you had them. And weirdly I missed Liz too. She was kind of my sister as well. Which is why I am so happy to have her as my sort of sister now." Tori hugs me tightly at that.

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