Chapter 24

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Waking up on a strange bed in a hotel room is not a great feeling.

But checking my phone and finding out I received texts from Diane surely is.

Diane's texts are simple. They just ask me how I am, and how everything is here. She does not know where I am. Well, nobody does. Because I forgot to tell her that I am coming back to my hometown for some unknown reason. Okay not that unknown now. But it was unknown to me for the better part of the travel. And yesterday I did not text, I was nervous about going back to the house and I was feeling it would be a disaster. Well, it was but not the kind I thought it would be. The whole place was a disaster zone in itself.

I replied to Diane's texts and we chatted for a little while. I was not sure she would reply considering she is probably in school now, but she did. The last text she sent me has a kiss emoji. Well, that made me think back to our kiss. I loved it and the fact that I keep referring to it as magical made me chuckle now. I never thought I would kiss a girl ever again in my life. That is what made the kiss magical. It was my self-imposed rule because...... But the fact that I was able to kiss another girl and not only did I not feel guilty in fact the opposite. That is pretty shocking to me. Of course, I never showed my shock to Diane. Not that I can with my facial expressions anyway. Something about it was so sweet, the kiss itself was but the whole anticipation of it, then Diane blushing like crazy afterwards. And oh god! I just remembered that we even kissed again while Lee was sleeping barely at arm's length. Oh, the awkwardness of it all!

"Morning Kiss!" Alex whisper screamed right into my ear. Oh, the joys of waking up beside a 5-year-old! How I will not miss it once we get back.

I gave her a slight nod and then proceeded to rub my now hurt ear. James is still sound asleep. I hear a knock on the door. Before I could even go Alex, who was on the way to the bathroom sprinted to the door, while tugging on her pajama bottoms. Only failing since well she is 5 and therefore a little short in height to reach the doorknob. I laugh lightly and open the door. Beside me stood Alex pouting still holding her pajama bottoms in both hands. I am not sure why. Liz came in chuckling lightly taking in the view. James is a heavy sleeper, so he is still sound asleep and thank goodness for that. As yesterday when he woke up and saw me first thing for some reason he began to cry, only Tori was able to calm him as Liz was a little occupied then. Aha! Now I get why Liz knocked now and why Alex sprinted to the door.

My laughter pierced the otherwise quiet room. Liz and Alex both look at me then I notice Alex's face become red. She is most definitely blushing. Liz does not say anything to me just takes her daughter to the bathroom. If I had not come to this trip this would be one thing I would have never known. Alex is afraid to go poop alone. She can but she would not, she wants either Liz or Tori with her as she feels she will fall down into the toilet, and no one will be able to take her out of there. I have heard kids are afraid of having monsters under the bed, but this is a whole new fear for me. I do not remember if I had any such fear or not. After Tori left monsters under my bed would have better than them living with me with my parents' plastered smiley faces. Creepy! I shudder remembering that.

I texted Lee whom I did tell where I am. She just asked me if I am okay after all it is the house, I grew up in. As if that changes the fact! The morning slowly progressed from there. Seeing as we don't have anything planned till the meeting with the lawyer late afternoon. And none of us want to go back to the house. After breakfast and lounging around in the hotel rooms, we decided to go out for lunch. Then we can go to the lawyer's office from there. Tori was not lying about the lawyer wanting to discuss my parents' will. I was shocked because I didn't think they had one to begin with. Dad never seemed like the type to think of leaving anything for well either of us. Mom must have made him.

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