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10. Talk About Good Timing

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It has been a week of torture. I don't know what to do with the newfound fact that Ashton Knight is actually the guy in that frat party. It's hard to think clearly since he has been hovering around my space lately, physically and mentally. And no, it's nothing romantic. This freaking temporary work is an absolute moron since it's more a job for two instead of one! That stingy asshole. I have to make sure Chloe doesn't inherit that trait.

"With all due respect, sir. How will I get all these reports, confirmation emails, and meeting preparation done in forty minutes?" I frown when my boss tells me about the internal meeting being moved to the morning slot. "The last time I checked, I still had two hands and ten fingers."

"By stop counting your body parts and do your job of course," Ashton Knight answers with his stoic face, eyes still on the paper in his hand.

I let out a deep breath, feeling defeated. With the pile of papers I need to shred by the end of the day, I trudge out of the room. Then his voice stops me.

"And Charlotte, can you stay back a bit this evening? The meeting with Mr. Remington starts a bit later today, and I'd like you to be around in case I need something.""

"I'm sorry but I can't today."

"Why not?"

"I promised Chloe I would be home on time tonight. For once."

Ashton raises his eyebrow. "Doesn't she have a nanny?"

I would snort if I didn't remember he was my boss. That kind of thing does not exist in my family. My mom will make sure Chloe is taken care of by a family member or a family friend she can trust while I'm away. She's always so nervous about how the world has become and how pedophiles are lurking around to target kids. Sophie and I even had to argue with Mom when we decided to send our kids to a public school.

"Unfortunately, no. Since I always got home late in the past few weeks, she had to stay with my sister until her bedtime. But today I need to pick her up on time." I hug the files against my chest while biting the inner part of my cheek. "I will make sure you will have all the files ready. The ones that you possibly need, too, to be on the safe side."

This is the first time I say no straight to his face. For a brief moment, I'm sure he's going to pull the ghost chili card again, but the man just stares at me for a few seconds, and then he nods. "Very well. That'll work."

Okay, I'm not expecting that. How does he give up that easily? Isn't he the infamous Knight who is good at pushing his staff members to the edge of their sanity? Or did he get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

Or maybe, just maybe, he is becoming soft because I've mentioned Chloe? Does Chloe have effects on him already? Does he even suspect anything? No, there is no way he knows that he has a daughter. I'm reading too much into this.

I know I need to tell him eventually. He has a right to know. Chloe has a right to know. But how do I approach this situation? How do I even begin? Maybe when I bring in his 10 A.M coffee next time, I can say, "Your coffee, sir. And oh, did you know that today's fun fact is about a broken condom?" Or maybe something like, "Your expresso, sir. I hope it's strong enough for you to carry on with the rest of your day after you hear this."

And what about Chloe? How will I bring the news that will change her life forever? She grew up believing that her father was my college sweetheart, Ethan Watkins. How does it change to Ashton Knight in one night? And now that her ghost father has come back from the dead, it might complicate things even more. Especially after I agreed to have another lunch with him, again.

Yes, I'm meeting Ethan today. And yes, I still remember that he's married. It's just a friendly lunch considering we're just two friends who share our past and try to reconnect —again, as friends, especially after the bitter state we had when we parted. Or maybe I just need closure even though I'm not sure if it's still relevant to our current situation. We both have moved on, right?

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