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Hey everyone! So this has been a long time coming

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Hey everyone! So this has been a long time coming. 

A City of Shadow and Darkness (working title) has been a huge project I started plotting back in 2013. I have tried and failed to write this book 5 times but this time it feels right so I will keep going until we reach the end. 

If you're new to this plot and story then you might need to read on for warnings and general information. 

Thanks for stopping by! If you have any feedback for me please feel free to leave comments or DM me.

Updates for this book will be twice a week

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Updates for this book will be twice a week. 

Tuesday and Friday - time will vary at this point. (Times and days are Australian Western Standard Time +8). It lines up with Hong Kong, Singapore, and some parts of China and South East Asia. Right now it is not possible to update any more than that. Hopefully as I get through chapters I can update more.

This book will likely have an M rating

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This book will likely have an M rating. It is meant to be adult fiction so it will be dark and possibly disturbing in some areas. 

As above this book is adult fiction so will have some potentially graphic things in it

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As above this book is adult fiction so will have some potentially graphic things in it. I will endeavor to put sufficient warning tags before chapters that need it so that you can make the decision about whether or not you read it.

Content may include death scenes, torture scenes, scenes that depict graphic gore or fighting. Other scenes may involve sexual bits, descriptions of sexual things etc. 

Please use your judgement before skipping the warning tags.

This is a complex plot that involves a lot of characters whose stories are interwoven

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This is a complex plot that involves a lot of characters whose stories are interwoven. There are many different social groups, there will be areas of this story that are plot and detail heavy so this is just another warning about that. I will try to minimize this all and spread details throughout the book but the more you know.

There are tropes throughout this full series too. 

Right now there is no cast list but as you read I would LOVE to hear your recommendations!

There is also a companion book that will be posted once the first book is all done. It may also update with each chapter, we'll see.

English isn't my first language nor did I ever learn creative writing properly and though I have tried to teach myself I just haven't been able to pick it all up.

The issue with comma's is always gonna be the biggest glaring issue I have, just know that I am aware and I will try my best to fix them as I go.

The issue with comma's is always gonna be the biggest glaring issue I have, just know that I am aware and I will try my best to fix them as I go

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And thank you again for stopping by!

A City of Shadow and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now