Chapter 26

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A/N: Wow 100 votes already. I feel honored. 

Thank you all so much for the reads and the votes. 

Now without further ado....the next chapter. 


The morning rays of sun enters my room through the curtain. I wake up rubbing my eyes and find myself smiling. A new sense of happiness and relief spreads through me as soon as I see Lee's face inches from mine. I remember last night, the conversation, and the fact that I came out to her. It's not like I thought she would not accept me it's just the fact that I can be free with my best friend. Also, strange thing I realized just now. I was so eager to tell Lee everything and get her opinion and I did not even hesitate to tell her about what all happened during our visit to my hometown.

It is strange for me since I forgot what it was to trust people for a long time. Or maybe I never really learned. I had few friends growing up. So, few that I can count in my one hand. I was not allowed to have friends who would not be benefiting my dad. But these friends, well them, I did not let dad or mom take them away for me. They were like my family, my cocoon as my best friend used to refer it as. But then things happened, and life became bleak. Therefore, when I came here as much as I was happy to find Tori again, I was not sure about trusting her. And also, how she would be now? Making friends, or even finding friends were never in the equation. Yet, within two days I met Lee and what within weeks she became my best friend. Strange does not even begin to cover how it makes me feel.

I roll over to the other side of my bed and then get up to basically just to grab my phone and lie down again. It is Sunday after all. I see Diane texted me morning. I text her back and tell her that I came out to Lee. I told her I was planning to, and she was happy for me. Within minutes I get a text saying she planned something for us today after lunch. So, I need to be prepared. She won't say what. I am going to presume it is a date, and I just might tease her about it. Gosh I like to tease her! Best part is we always turn that into a good nature banter or just start flirting with each other.

Lee stirs beside me and I click a picture of her. Her face is all scrunched up right now and the way the sun's rays are bouncing off her red hair, it just makes her look pretty cute. Also, her hands are in front of her and the whole way she is sleeping making me feel like she is a little kid. Well, this little kid helped me a lot yesterday when I went crazy and inhaled those special brownies. God! That was not a good experience. It felt good at first then it became pretty intense. All I remember is that I felt light, then I was panicking. I felt somebody was attacking me, killing me. And what the hell was that about the hooded figure that suddenly came to my brain. I want to know what else I said but at the same time I do not want to know.

Forest green eyes stare at me. They are shinning for a person who just woke up she looks pretty gorgeous and energized. Ready to start the day not at all like me, who got up and lied down again. Lee's lips curl up and she gives me a bright toothy smile. I am staring at her face. I didn't know she has freckles. They are barely visible no wonder I never noticed them. Also, I have never seen her face this closely neither have I ever studied her face. She is still smiling at me and her green eyes seem to be lighting up more. I suddenly have the biggest urge to remove the baby hairs from her face. I do just that. That gesture produces a confused expression on Lee's face. Well, I am a little confused too as why did I just do that?

"Morning Kris." Lee says again smiling but her eyes are looking at me questioningly. As if that is even possible. I take another picture this time with her eyes open and while she is smiling. "Did you just click a picture of me?" I don't say anything. I just check the picture and then click two more. Then she puts her hand on her face to stop me from clicking any more. I try to push her hand away, "no, stop Kris. I just woke up. I look like a hyena."

Splicing of Changes (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ