Chapter 27

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Monday. Ugh! I generally hate Mondays. But today I am excited for this day. Why you ask? It is simple, it's because today I have school. And I am eager to see a certain someone today.

After the date yesterday when I realized about Diane's sort of dual personality. That made me intrigued to see her at school today especially, to see how she behaves with me today. I mean she tries to be mean at school, walks around with her posse. But as far as I remember the last day I was at school. Grace and Diane had a fight and they learned Tori is my sister. So, school might be fun for me today. And I am hoping for just fun not the drama filled fun which it usually entails. But who am I kidding?

I was finally at school. I looked around to see if I can spot any of my friends. But I couldn't. That's not shocking really but at the same time it is. I walked to my locker only to be trapped in a hug by none other than Amy.

"You're back!" I laugh and hug her back.

Nothing else was said except the hug. Then she detached herself from me and we both scattered to class. After class the teacher asked me to speak to him, not surprising. Since I missed almost whole of last week. He gave me the work and I have like just a week to do ton of work just for one class. I am so dead. Second class was exactly the same. I mean the subject was different, but it was boring, and the teacher just dumped me with huge amount of work. Don't I feel so good now! This torture continued till lunch.

Lunch was usual. My friends and I sat at our table and ate. Well. I ate, they talked about just anything and everything. Alice was really silent today that got my attention. Because she just avoids talking to me but never not talks with her cousin, June. June on the other hand was busy talking to Jake in a low voice might I add. Mark joined us later on and was busy with his phone. Silver and Danny were bickering about something, I have no idea about. Lee was observing me, and Jeffrey I don't know what that guy is doing. Suddenly Amy comes and sits beside me. I give her a look and she just roll her eyes. As if her sitting beside me for lunch is normal and a daily thing.

Other than Amy joining us nothing really happened at lunch. Although I am still not sure why Amy joined us suddenly. But she did. She just sat beside me and gave a nod to Lee. Did not say a word or anything. But then again weirder things have happened. Just like Diane and her posse were missing or they were just eating silently somewhere else. Don't think so. Classes continued with same bored fashion and teachers dumped me all the schoolwork I missed. Guess I will not sleep this week. How fun!

Last week was a chaos. A whirlwind. Not just emotionally for me but also for Tori. And we have yet to talk about that fact. And here I am getting buried in homework. How will I get time to talk to Tori now? But I know I have to find time. Cheer practice came and I was just strolling my way to the gym. I want to avoid practice for today. Not that I am a very crucial member or anything. I am a little scared. As much as I want to see Diane, I am scared as well about what would happen. Seeing as nothing really happened today. It should calm me, right? But it is making me think of it as the calm before the storm. Only I am hoping the storm is the amount of homework I have to do.

I arrive at the Gym and I went and sat at my usual place. I started doing my work, I noticed the cheerleaders glancing my way. Not really saying anything. Diane and Julia came without Grace. First shock for me. Then Grace entered separately. They were not talking. That's weird. But I shook my head and carried on doing my work. Soon, their loud practice finished, and I was about to go out when the door to the gym opened and Lee walked in. They were all packing but stopped to see Lee here. Well, I am intrigued too.

"Oh good. You're here. Let's go." Diane's voice made me look at her instead of Lee.

I looked at her not believing what my ears heard and probably my brain registered. Lee is just looking at the others who are now just looking at her. Diane then walks over to Lee and tells her something. Quietly I should add. Or I am too shocked to hear what she said. Either way I have no idea what she said.

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