Wattpad Original

Author's Note

63.6K 1.4K 363

We are at the end of Charlotte's journey in finding Chloe's daddy. She will be back soon to tell her story about co-parenting with Ashton in book 2 (Surprise Me Maybe). This book will join paid program on November 22nd, 2022 on Wattpad and on Yonder. If you haven't downloaded Yonder app, it's time to check it out!

I want to thank some of my friends who have been great support from the beginning:

cassiereader21 who has been there since before I wrote stories on Wattpad. She was the one who encouraged me to publish my works.

hottiesoftie who was there when this story was still a concept and gave a push to write it.

pxnkaf uxecila who gave a shout out for this book. And they write amazing books! Go check it out!

And all you who read, commented and voted, your support means the world to me! ❤❤❤
See you again soon 😘

Stay tune and stay safe!


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