Chapter 29

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Homecoming. It is finally the day of the homecoming dance.

This week had been weird. Well, every week had its weirdness but this week it was on the higher spectrum of weirdness. Well for mostly two reasons. One the game was yesterday. Mark and Jeffrey were pretty busy with practice. It was a good game. I don't understand much about it except when people score. And our school did. It was neck to neck. A good game in total. It was apparently awesome for people who understands it. And I joined them when they shouted something. That was fun. I do know that Mark did like two touchdowns. And Jeffrey did some good passes. I congratulated them after the game. Before the team went out to celebrate.

The other reason for this week being weird is because of Diane and I's relationship. I mean we thought it would be better if we just go to the dance together. I think it is risky but Diane, being Diane, she is stubborn about it. Well, that made Grace find her dates for the dance. Obviously, that didn't work out. This happened because no one knows about us. Well Lee does and I don't know if Amy knows we are going to dance together or not. We have not talked about it. Then the guy who persistently asked me out on a date tried to ask me to the dance. I am sure he is going to pull some stunt. But I am hoping he can't. My friends are not sure who I am going with.

The game yesterday was awkward as well. I went to the game to well support Mark and Jeffrey and of course to see my girlfriend. Well, she invited me after all. To say my friends were shocked would be an understatement. Especially when they learned I don't know anything about football. They tried to explain it but then the cheerleaders were doing their routine so I was a little distracted shall we say. I mean who could blame me, Diane was looking exceptionally sexy in the dark blue and gold cheerleader costume. I just could not take my eyes off her. I was sure they noticed, but I was long gone to care.

Diane is picking me up today. Seeing as she has a car. So, I am now waiting for her. I did get a text from Lee saying she was on her way. Like about 10 or maybe more minutes ago. I am guessing she is already there. Finally, I hear a car. Diane is here. I am on the couch and Tori lets her in. I am wearing a silver and light blue dress picked out by Tori. It compliments my eye according to her. I was so glad that it was my sister picking out a dress for me, I did not even think of anything else. Diane walks in wearing a navy-blue low-cut dress. It really compliments her well eyes, figure everything. I am just staring at her and I am sure my jaw is hanging probably about to reach the floor.

Liz comes in and puts a finger under my jaw probably to close it. But my brain short circuited and my jaw opened yet again. Diane is blushing now and is peeking at me through her lashes. Dear god that gesture is doing things to me! Along with her dress, her hair down, which I have almost never seen. Tonight, will be a torture. That's for sure. And we are going to a high school dance. I so do not want to.

We are in her car now. After Tori and Liz took couple of pictures. And let us go as we are a little late. Lee texted me asking where I am. Apparently, Silver is asking about me. Alice joined their group and June, and Jake just came in. You could say Lee is updating me about the dance constantly. The last text I receive before going into the school is that Mark is there with Amy. Well, I did not predict that one.

"Are you ready?" Diane asks me.

"I am. Are you?" Diane smiles and nods. We take each other's hand and enter the dance.

The doors to the gym, now transformed for our dance, opened. Music flowed out, so did some chatter. We walked in. And what do you know? Stares. People are staring at us. They just stopped doing whatever they were doing and is now staring at us. Wow! Why is this school like this again? I spotted my friends and asked Diane if we can go there. She just nodded because well Grace will not like me. Julia, I don't know if she is here or not. Truth be told I don't think Diane has that many friends except her posse.

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