Chapter 30

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Time flies when you don't want it to. Especially when you don't want it to.

It is already winter break. That means one more semester, almost just 5 more months before Diane's graduation. I remember thinking it was just homecoming. And it feels like I blinked, and it is winter break now. I don't like how time is flying. But it is flying alright. At a very fast speed I might add.

After Diane and I sort of announced our relationship to the school at the dance. It was a little weird for a day or two. People were not sure how to respond to it. Pretty soon, whispers and rumors started, and everything was back to normal. Diane and I became stronger. Started spending more time. As now we spent everyday lunch together or she sits with me and my friends. My friends have been super accepting. They only warned Diane not to hurt me.

My friends are a different topic. Mark and Amy started dating officially after the dance and now they are in a relationship. So, is June and Jake. I learned why Alice was behaving weirdly towards their relationship. Apparently, June's dad is hot tempered and does not want his daughter to date. He was against it, as he caught them one day after their date. Then Jake did something, and he won him over. With conditions of course. Some of them include they have to invite Alice if they are going out in the evening. If they are at each other's house, they can only stay in the living room. Basically, no alone time. Only Alice is sick of being the third wheel.

Jake tried to set Alice up with someone, she just got angry and stopped talking to both of them for a while. That made June's dating life a little difficult. Only time they get together is when we meet at the hang out. That is another weird story. Because since many of us have coupled off so to speak. We have introduced new people to the spot. Namely Amy and Diane. They love the spot. And we get to hang there without any problem. Well, that is until Diane's phone rings. Her parents are extremely strict, and she lies to them every time we just hangout on the weekend. Apparently, she can spend time with me. But others not so much. Makes sense why she didn't have friends.

I did go to Diane's house once or twice. Because well I can't do suffocating houses anymore. One was enough for me, in this lifetime. I also went to Lee's house. That was fun. I met her dad; he is a fun-loving guy. His motto is to enjoy, while still in high school. As long as you have the grade, it is all good. Plus, Lee and I have these tiny stupid bets that helps us study more and get good grades. At least according to Lee's dad and Tori and Liz. Huh I guess they do help.

Tim and Alex have become best buds. Meaning Amy is in my house a little too much. She noticed Lee stays here most times too. I invited Diane over as well. That made Amy asks if she can ever invite Mark. And somehow that turned into some sort of group date thing. We just watched movies sitting and cuddling. Except Lee. She was just looking at us. James kept her company. That moment I realized this is weird especially if we couple off. So, from that day forward I have tried to not couple off when I am with Lee.

Now, I have almost separated my time with my best friend and girlfriend. My girlfriend also happens to love spending time with Lee. So, that is cool. Except whenever we three meet, Lee teases us. Diane blushes. Then they quarrel. Sometimes it makes me wonder whose best friend is Lee. But we have such an amazing bonding. For that I am grateful.

I had my first Thanksgiving with Tori. She does not do it at home. She celebrates Thanksgiving at the homeless shelter. I have never seen anyone working there or ever been to one before Tori took me. And now I am so glad I helped. It felt so satisfying even if all I did was serve some food to the people. My friends came to help out as well. They took turns. We were there the whole day. The next day Tori and Liz went to help out at the hospital. Liz was off at the children's ward and Tori at the cancer patient ward. I later got to know that they celebrated late Thanksgiving there. It is tradition with Tori and Liz. Well, I am glad I was part of their tradition even if I did not help much.

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