Chapter 31

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The sense of Foreboding eludes me yet again.

Three weeks into the new semester and here I am again feeling something is going to happen. Dammit. Can I for once feel a good thing is going to happen? Who am I kidding when has a good thing ever happened to me? Maybe this one will be not so bad. I can only hope so.

I remember the only times when I had no foreboding or didn't realize it were the times my life changed. First time when Tori left, second time the day of the accident. I kept feeling weird, I remember it. But I chalked it up to eating something weird or just needing air. Well...that didn't turn out too good. And third time it was not so much of a foreboding but just a feeling something's about to happen. Guess what happened two nights later?

If you guessed my parents' accident or murder, then you are correct. Although I am not sure that was a bad thing for me. At least not after I started living with Tori and came here. I mean my life turned around a lot. I found Tori and Liz. I am living with them. For the first time ever I have friends, whom I don't have to hide. They like me actually like me. I have a freaking girlfriend and they don't care that I am bisexual. The thing that made me afraid of even myself for the better part of last what 4 or maybe 5 years of my life. I was always afraid everyone would hate me, well my parents and my so-called friends. But when I told my friends here about dating Diane. All they asked were 'seriously Diane out of all the girls?'. That is, it. No comments or jabs like I imagined.

Cape Creek people are pretty accepting. But I would be a fool if I say everyone is included in it. They are not. But they are pretty great considering this is a small town with weird differences. Like, who would think a lake creates a division? I mean when you end up in college later on, do they still remain 'enemies'? I think not. I mean they are after all from the same hometown. And it does not make sense to say we aren't supposed to like each other because a stupid lake divides our town. Also, it is not like the people living on the other side don't have money. They do. Maybe they don't live in stupid huge mansions, like people in this side. But their houses are big as well. At least most of my friends' houses are.

Enough ranting about this town for now. I keep thinking it in my head because I guess I would never understand it. Well, I don't care and as long as there is not a problem between my friends and I because of it, I guess I should give it a rest. At least in my head that is. Since I do not tell anyone this, who knows how they would react. Well anyways Christmas break was a little weird after the Christmas eve celebration. I mean weird for me and Lee. See, the gift Lee made is awesome. Beyond awesome. Super sweet and I just...I have never received anything like it. So, naturally I love it. But Lee...well that's a whole different case.

Why you ask? Let's see. She gave me the gift, we hugged and then she pulled out of the embrace and ran. And now she is running. From me of course. Why? No clue. She would text me but would not call me or pick up my call. She would not see me, meet me at my house or her house. But if anybody else is present she acts normal. I know it is anything but normal now. This is making me crazy. I asked her about it and all she said, 'what I didn't do it.' That is now her typical response. Whether I ask about a call, homework or just simply if she heard me when I called her. Not entire sure what she means by 'didn't do it' part. Because honestly it is starting to freak me out a little bit.

Things with Diane are better than anything. Only problem she is graduating this semester. And I still have another year left in high school. Yay me! I didn't tell Diane that I have been thinking what would happen to our relationship because I do not want to cause her any extra stress than she is in. She is in a lot of stress. Getting into colleges, keeping up her grade point average, and then her parents are super strict. About her timetable nowadays. Like they are not giving her a breather. She is either in school, or at home doing homework. If she is done, she has to either work on her essay or something else. Nothing more. She literally gets time to call when she goes to bed. That too they monitor. Like she has to be bed by a certain hour, I think something crazy like 9 even during weekends. So, we get to talk exactly fifteen minutes for the last three weeks. This craziness started with the new semester.

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