Chapter 33

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Curiosity killed the cat.

That saying is sort of applicable in our situation. After I was cut off by Tori suddenly appearing at the principal's office. She recognized Matt. As Matt, Maisy and I have been friends since Maize, and I were like two and Matt was five. He is three years older than us. Growing up we were always together. Being in the small town helped because we were in the same school always. And since both of our last names start with M, we were grouped together almost all the time. Maize and I, that is. We were inseparable. Thus, Matt became my older brother as well. Tori knew them before she left. As they were my only friends. Actually, Tori knew them better because she hated it when mom or dad left me in daycare. Tori would always collect me, but I used to cry because I had to leave Maize behind. So, that is how she started babysitting us. Well Liz and Tori. And Matt, even if he was not that old, he never liked to leave us alone.

Tori knew Matt for about two years before she left. But in those two years she saw both the Miller siblings almost regularly. As there was not a time when I was not with Maize. And Matt was always with us. But he was too young to take care of us. So, instead he helped Tori and Liz and learned to babysit us. And now when Tori is asking for Maize, I don't know how to reply. I know it is extremely hard for Matt as well. After Matt told me his parents miss me, which shocked me, yet again today. But it makes sense they miss me, because they were more my parents than my real parents ever were.

"How's is Maisy, Mathew? Tell me." Tori demands. Her face is speaking volume. Like I know Tori is scared to know the answer to her question, but she is curious to know as well.

Matt turns to face Tori fully, "Tori my sister is uh...Maisy is dead."

"What?" Tori screams and plops on the chair behind her. I know there are people here, but I am yet again lost to the surrounding. But this time I am not in a bubble, I am aware of everything, yet I am unaware at the same time.

This sure as hell brought back memories for me. Memories I buried deep within me.

"How?" Tori utters it almost in a whisper.

"In the same accident that put me in a wheelchair and Tina well...... It killed Maize and Jack." Matt answers sobbing.

"Jack?" Tori asks looking at Matt sobbing now.

I answer while, hugging Matt by his shoulder. He is sobbing holding my hand tightly now. "Jackson. Their cousin. Mattie's friend and ours too." Tori does not know Jackson because he came to town a year or two after Tori left. He was roughly around Mattie's age. And that made them very good friends. They were sort of best friends, but they never would say it, because they both thought it was weird saying your cousin is your best friend. But everyone including them knew they were. Jack was a cool guy as well.

"Matt, Kris told me that she was in an accident, but she didn't say who she was with. Or anything regarding it. I am so sorry Matt. I am so sorry. I remember Maize was such a lively, cute little girl. I remember how Kris and Maize were always together. They could never be separated. Oh my god Kris!" Tori shouts looking at me now. She is covering her mouth now.

"Well, they were like that when they grew up as well. They were best friends, one could have separated them. Even that day..." Matt chuckles lightly, "not even now." Matt says the last part looking at me with his tear strained face. "Especially now." Matt chuckles yet again shocking everyone.

"Why? How are you laughing about it?" I chuckle too looking at Matt. "I am so sorry Kris...wait how are you both laughing. Are you still in shock or something?" Tori looks confused now.

"True. Nobody can ever separate us now Mattie." Matt squeezes my hand.

Finally, we both look at Tori who is staring at us confused, her face is tear strained as well. "No Tori shock is not why we are laughing. And how would you know? I never told you. Well until now I mean. And you never got any of my emails or anything. So how could you know?"

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