Chapter 37

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Things are a little off.

My friends are there but I can feel their gazes on me from time to time. Same with Liz and Tori at home. Only person who...I don't know how to explain except say behaving very weirdly is Diane. She is not angry or if she is, she is not telling me. All this started from March 18th. It's been about two weeks now. It is April now. A bittersweet emotion is always accompanying me nowadays. As we have our prom at the end of April then after that two weeks break before the final exams followed by graduation at the end of May. Basically, the time for our relationship, Diane and mine is soon coming to an end. At least her time in high school is.

We have yet to discuss long distance relationship. We have put it on hold the worst thing to do I would say. Considering it is on my mind every second lately. And this stupid non-fight-fight is screwing my brains out. Now I am not even sure how to approach the subject. But I do wish to. Because I just cannot take this weirdness anymore. From everyone. Tori and Liz are literally just watching me every time I am home. Like not seeing me, smiling at me. No. Watching me. My every move. I can feel their intense stare when I turn my back. I also know the reason. Almost same with my friends who have resorted to reply a little sarcastically to me. Not all the time, but most of the times.

Only good thing or remotely good thing is Charlie is talking to me again. We did our story. We compromised and made a new story from both our ideas. It turned out to be pretty decent in my opinion. The teacher seemed to like it as well. The next part of the project is what we are working on. It is supposed to be a group of four and we have to act our stories out. But the catch is, we will not act the story we wrote but the other two people wrote in our group. Basically, Charlie and I will be acting Danny and Silver's story and they will act ours. Their story is good, but a little difficult for us to act. It is a romantic story. And that is the part where we face the most awkwardness while acting to it.

The first time we acted in front of them was the most awkward time ever. That was few days ago. We apparently could do the whole story well except parts where we have to show some romance. At least according to our teacher, we were like robots programmed to say stuff like, 'I like you'. We lacked our chemistry and that threw the whole story away. Now grades are depended on it. Hence, we are practicing whenever we have time. And we are nowhere near ready. So, I asked Diane to come over after school today so that we can practice it. Maybe that could help. I have no idea why it is so difficult except for the fact that we feel so awkward whenever we practice it. Oh, I forgot to mention. We can add lines to this script since we are not acting the short story just like Danny and Silver are adding lines to our story to make it more of a script. They are fine with acting it. Even the little romance our story has. Not at all like us. My guess is the almost three months of us not talking did this.

Diane came over and we start practicing. Only this time the role of Zoey is played by Diane instead of Charlie and I am playing Leo's role. According to Danny, Silver and our teacher I am suited for the guy's role. Well. Okay. Who am I to question them?

We start just like we always do, the scene of their meeting. The awkward bumping into each other. The nasty fight which Diane and I have no problem acting out considering we have been through something similar. Then we start to like each other and apparently that make us fight more. This is where it takes a turn with Charlie and me because here, we are supposed to make-out one day and then continue to fight. Only this time yelling how much we like each other instead of the usual insults. But since we will be performing in front of our teachers no make out instead a cheek kiss. Diane and I kiss though now, I am kissing my girlfriend after all in my home. Then we yell our feelings towards each other. Danny is recording us. The end of the story is after our characters confess, and they ask each other what to do now, before they both come to the conclusion that they have to date. But it only results in them still continuing to fight but now in a more sweet, playful and flirty manner. Diane and I do this, and I do not feel any awkwardness around me. In fact, it feels very natural.

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