Chapter 47

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Feelings are a funny thing. They are a pain in the ass. I can say they are good, wonderful. But I do not think I can. Mostly because I have been running from feeling anything for so long that I am somehow used to feeling numb all the time. So, currently feeling things...yeah, it's a little different. Also, fun fact I smile a lot nowadays without even realizing. The same girl who always had a stoic face, no expression at all. The same girl who was called weird because of her poker face, is now smiling randomly. Feelings apparently did that to me. That makes me wonder how was I when I was with Maize? I mean I remember myself and our time together I have no idea how other people saw us, mostly me? Was I smiling like crazy then too? Then how come Mr. Monroe never noticed? Maybe they never saw as I stayed inside my room if I was at my house or mostly, I stayed at Maize's, a thing both my parents despised.

Tori noticed my odd behavior, let's refer to it as that. Although I thought she would ask questions or worry but no all Tori did was wiggle her eyebrows at me. Guess what happened then. A strange phenomenon happened. A thing I have not felt in so long I forgot how to describe it. Blood rushed to my cheeks, and they became red in appearance. Also, known as blushing. I blushed, when Tori teased me. I, Kris, blushed. Such a normal thing yet it shocked the shit out of me. So much so that I went inside my room to check in the mirror and see if I was indeed blushing. Wow. Although that made Tori tease me more about this. Liz on the other hand wanted to know what I am thinking or about who, as she heard things. Apparently, Jeff starting to talk has become the talk of the town. And not just in our rumor specialized high school but throughout the whole town. Such an interesting town this is!

Thanksgiving this year was special. Also, I was right it was November when we saw Danny sober after what months and Jeff spoke again. I don't think it was only me who was unaware. Because when we got Thanksgiving break it shocked us, all of us. I remember we all looked at each other with wide eyes then laughed like crazy. Yeah, anybody watching us surely thought we were all crazy. But, for us we knew it was simply because we lost track of time. And this is our senior year. Yet here we are almost at the end of a semester, and we did not even know which month it was, let alone day.

This year at Thanksgiving nothing different happened than last year. Tori, Liz, Alex, James and I went to give food and clothes at shelters, then hospital. We also went to nearby group homes and gave toys to the kids there. Tori and Liz then announced they made special arrangements for all the older kids from there to come work with them as an internship. That made their day, while the younger ones were happy with the food and toys. Alex was extremely happy as one of the younger kids is her friend at school, a thing I did not know but Tori sure did. I enjoyed it so much. It felt special. Even though I never imagined doing anything like this on Thanksgiving but after doing it for two years now, I cannot imagine doing anything else on this day.

The rest of the Thanksgiving break was good too. We all stayed home and watched movies and enjoyed among ourselves. I did not even go to our hangout because it just did not make any sense. Although Jeff met me once or twice and we talked on the phone, a thing Liz noticed but Tori didn't. Alex was with me, she played but she seemed a little distant. I did not like that. I feel like I did something, but I cannot remember what though. James on the other hand was more than happy to jump around the whole house. Even though Alex is just six, but she acts a lot more mature than her age even now when she could just be angry, but she is not. She is avoiding me, like a damn grown up.

'What the hell did you do Kris?' Maize's ghost asks me.

'I have no idea.' I replied nonchalantly. Its normal for me to talk to Maize but we never talked about Alex like this. Although Alex did talk to her few times, but we have never talked about her. It's odd, isn't it?

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