Chapter 50

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There is a blinding light and there is some liquid as well. I lifted my hand to touch my face and found my face has drops of some liquid. What the hell. Instantly my eyes shot open, and I scrunched up my face to avoid the light.

"Thank God you are awake." Someone shouts. I know that voice. Slowly I turn to see who it is, and I see Lee and everyone else hovering over me. Wait hovering? Why? Where am I? What happened? "You do not remember do you?" Lee asks me. I look at her and at everyone as I try to remember.

Lee helps me sit up and I realize I am on the couch. It feels weird to sit up. Like my head feels heavy but I know I did not drink. I remember the party, the dancing, then we came home. I look at Lee as I remember our almost kiss then Zach's call. Lee looks at me and judging by her face she knows I remembered everything.

"Thanks guys. She is okay. I am so sorry to disturb y'all. You guys can go to sleep. We will too after I beat her ass for fainting on me yet again." Lee tells them. They all laugh and said like it's okay. And to call them if they need help to carry me or something. Lee waved them off. I did notice Diane look at me curiously and there is another emotion on her face. One I am not sure about. Is that worry though because it appeared as soon as Lee said the words 'fainting' and 'again'.

"So wanna tell me what that call was about? Also, why you fainted yet again?"

"Umm...remember the thing Zach told me, well you heard him that day. It was about that thing, I think. I mean Zach just said that Aaron got arrested. He also said that Aaron is above 18 which is not possible. But he might have lied about his age to me. The last thing Zach told me was that I am not alone. Somehow, that's what made everything fade to black."

"Okay. First of all, he got arrested why? And he lied about his age? Weren't you guys in a relationship? What? It doesn't make any sense to me."

"Yeah, me neither. But I guess it was all a lie. As for me it was just hanging out with a friend whom I occasionally kissed but for him, it was about trying to sleep with me, which I refused, and that incident happened what Zach told you. After that I changed. I did hang out with him, but I was angry, and I drank and smoked a lot. But I do not remember if I was always with him or not. Zach also said he is going to have some court date or something. But for now, his ass is in jail. Zach hates him. He did not like him even before he found out that it was Aaron. And now..."

"It makes sense." Lee suddenly says after being quiet for a while. I give her a look. "Zach's hatred for him I mean. Why don't you hate him?" I look at her. That's a good question. I should hate him. But I cannot seem to feel anything towards him. That incident, yeah. I do feel scared whenever I remember it. Probably that's the reason I faint. But towards Aaron. Yeah, for some reason I am numb when it comes to him. Maybe I am in shock that he lied to me about everything. I mean he did stay by my side a lot actually, after the incident. He did not succeed that night all thanks to Zach. And no matter how much I try to remember if he tried again, I cannot.

"I don't know Lee. I do not know what I feel regarding him." Lee nods and placed her hand over mine and squeezes it.

"Okay. But Kris. You do know what this means right?"

"No." I reply instantly because I have no idea.

"Well, it means you have to tell Tori and Liz about it. I will be by your side if you want. And please do not faint. After Christmas, you have to. For now, we should go and try to get some sleep."

"Yeah, like that's possible." I snicker and take the hand Lee offered to help me get up.

Somehow, we went to my room and laid down facing each other. Lee then kissed my forehead. I mean we should talk about that almost kiss that happened. But something tells me we are not going to. We hugged each other tightly and drifted off to dreamland.

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