Chapter 51

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A/N: Warning mention of the 'incident'.








Wow. One full minute. And Tori and Liz has yet to say one word. All it took was one sentence for them to become quiet. And judging by their eyes and their expressions they are furious. They seem to be so angry that anger must be bursting out of them soon. Huh! I am imagining smoke coming out of their ears literally. That would be very funny to witness actually. I chuckle quietly imagining that receiving weird looks form my left. Lee is on my left side sitting and I am sure she is thinking what the hell is wrong with me that I am chuckling. That reminds me, I told my sisters of the incident, and I did not faint. That's an achievement.

So, time was my friend. It slowed down for me to enjoy Christmas. But then again, no matter how much it slows down. I will never be ready to tell Tori about that. As much as I am grateful for the time I got, I still think it was less. But anyway. Christmas was good. A little different though. As this year Tori and Liz are focusing on the group home so we spent Christmas lunch with them. The Evans' joined us. Meaning Lee, Topher and their dad. I should really learn the name of Lee's dad. I mean I see that guy almost every week, yet I have no idea what his name is. Or maybe I know, and I just forgot. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case knowing me. Anyway, so Tori, Liz, the kids, Lee and her family we all gave food to the kids in the group home and toys too. It was fun. It felt like Christmas seeing all the happy faces among the kids there. Then we had Christmas dinner at home with family. And that apparently includes Lee's family too. I am not sure when they became a part of our family, but they did. Oh, I forgot, the Millers joined us too. I just remembered Lee's expression which for some reason mirrored Mattie's as they both saw each other in our house. It's not that I mind Lee being family, it just felt a little odd. I am not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with the crush I have on Lee.

Christmas was done. Then next day started with Lee's looks. Why. Simply because now that Christmas is over, I have no excuse to give her but tell Tori. Yet, I somehow avoided it for about two more days thus leading us to, today. How, I avoided? It was simple, I just started to talk about that almost kiss thing. And Lee managed to avoid it every time I brought it up. Now I think my assumption that Lee likes me too is wrong. I mean why would you avoid talking about it otherwise. You think it was a mistake and saying that might jeopardize our friendship, so you do the next best thing and avoid. I mean I am only assuming here. But from the looks of it, it feels that way.


"You mean..." Liz and Tori start at the same time. Then they look at each other and sigh. Great at least I got words. Even if it does not mean anything nor are, they complete sentences. Guess that will take time.

Tori tries again as I see her open her mouth but then no words come out and she closes it. Wow. When I thought of telling them today or ever, I did not think this would be the response. I mean Lee, sort of pushed me to tell them today because otherwise New Year would be here, and I would get another reason to avoid. But New Year also means Aaron's court date might be coming. That reminds me how did I never know Aaron is almost two years older than me? I mean was I blind? Or did I not notice anything? I get it, he was just there as a convenience, but I did think he was my friend, at least of sorts. Guess, I did not know anything about him. I mean never did I once think he could have done that. So, anything is possible. Weirdly I was a little happy that he took care of me after the incident. Now, since I know the truth, I am just angry with myself more than I am angry with him. Because I was not even a little suspicious of him.

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