Chapter 55

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Small things have a way of adding up. Sometimes they add up and become something so huge that there is no way to hide them. But sometimes, and only rarely they remain small but become bigger figuratively. Inside your subconscious, gnawing at your sense, making you think there is something you are either forgetting or you are overlooking. And these are the worst kind of small things that you cannot keep hidden. Because no matter how much you hide it or try to, they will inevitably come through, into daylight. No amount of shadow can hide it then. The gnawing of senses yeah, they help a lot if only we can focus our brain to pick out what it is that is gnawing in the first place. And that is exactly what happened here.

After the girl's lawyer questioned me about my breakup and about my parents' accident. We went on a break. I think that was not the plan for her, but it was because of Aaron, at least that's what I think, why Judge suddenly called for a break. He was fuming and his lawyer was not too pleased either. But his lawyer did not approach me when we recessed. I was sure he would. But that did not happen. I think it has something to do with the revelation of the fact that we are not together and that I dumped him. Along with some other things that I said, which the Jury listened to carefully, might I add. I was not lying. And I told myself I will not lie. Only thing I had no idea about was that Aaron told his lawyer we are together. What I do not understand is why did his lawyer not check that? This makes me think his lawyer has no idea what he did to me? Oh, now this is going to be messy after the recess is over.

Have you ever felt like you can feel a storm coming? More like brewing. Like you can hear a big thunder coming your way from the snippets of sound you keep hearing. You can sense a lightning will be striking near you from all the flashes you keep seeing around you. And the rain. Well, you know it in your bones, you can just feel it that there is a while before you are graced with those heavenly droplets of water from above. Because before that you have to endure the wrath of the thunderstorm, especially the big lightning which seems to be getting closer and closer to striking next to you. Have you ever experienced that? Well to be honest I cannot say I have until now.

After the much-needed recess was over and everyone was back. The Judge and Jury seated while the girl's lawyer, whose name I should learn, gets up to walk towards me. She is still hosting the all-knowing secretive smile which indeed creeped me out a little. But not like before. Because now as soon as I witness it, my eyes felt drawn to look at that inhuman asshole's face who is sitting there staring at me, fuming. His face is red from anger and just by looking at him, I know a lightning will strike soon and it will be very close to me. All I can hope is that it does not burn me in the process or hopefully the rain will grace us with its presence faster than anticipated. Only those big water droplets might be able to defuse this otherwise almost burning situation.

This escapade to my imagination lasted a few more seconds than I anticipated. But I am not angry about that. Because I know what is to grace us. More like what questions are coming my way and what truth will be spilled because of that. Just like the riot that will be caused in this otherwise peaceful courtroom. How ironic isn't it that a court room where people are convicted of crimes are sometimes the most peaceful places? Almost as if they are pointing it to our eyes with its finger the saying, 'calm before the storm'. Or maybe after since the crimes have been committed already before their presence is seen in a courtroom. Whatever be the case the irony is not lost on me.

"Kristina Monroe, Kris. Before recess we heard from you how Aaron treated you, his girlfriend at the moment. Even the fact that you both were at a party getting high while your parents had an accident where they lost their lives. And you were 16 at the time. I do have one question regarding the age though Kristina. Did you know Aaron's age at that time?"

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