Chapter 56

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Aaron is a bad marksman.

As I watched my family and the girl I love, look at me with horror in their eyes, I smiled. The scene was that of an utter chaos. But me, I had no idea. For I knew that the bullet will soon be piercing my flesh even if this was all happening in slow motion. I knew it would pierce my flesh. Only thing I did not know was where it will hit me? I also had no idea if I was going to die or not? Then suddenly I felt my arm jerk back. It was at that moment I knew the bullet hit me.

I had no idea it would hurt this much. Nobody ever told me getting shot hurts this bad. Then again, I do not know anybody who got shot in the first place. I knew nothing major had been hit but the pain was blinding my senses, so I wasn't sure if I was imagining that or if that was the reality. Soon, darkness followed, and I fainted yet again during my short life till date. At least this time I knew it was from the pain.

Next time I opened my eyes, the first thing I noticed was red hair all over me. Instantly I realized who it was. But before I could even say anything, I heard little whimpers followed by footsteps, as my sisters came in through the door. Both of them crying and were holding cups. I assumed coffee, but they could very well be water. And that's when I realized I am not in the court room anymore. I am at my most despicable place. Yes, you guessed it. It is the damn hospital. Weirdly I am at the same hospital where I was brought to after my accident. How ironic! I wake up to the smell of the disinfectants and a constant beep reminding me that I still have a heartbeat. Well, that much I understand. The other stuffs are just medical mumbo jumbo to me.

Liz rushed out to get the doctor after saying, "don't scare us like that kiddo." I smiled faintly. Tori started sobbing as Lee looked at me through her tear-stained face and red eyes. Hey, her eyes are matching her hair! I knew I shouldn't tell her that. At least not now. Tori bent down and kissed my face while Lee sobbed holding onto me. I could not feel pain. Means I was on painkiller. Dammit. It's a good thing and a bad thing. Good because that bullet hurt like hell at least I do not feel that now. Bad because it is pain meds, and I grew to love them a little too much. And I do not want to get addicted yet again. Lee must have seen my face. As she muttered, "don't worry I won't let you." I smiled at her while Tori was busy kissing my whole damn face.

"You are awake? How are you feeling?" The doctor asked as he walked into the room.

"Great doc. I cannot feel a single thing. So awesome!"

"That's good. But that is because of the morphine. It's a good thing where it hit you."

"Why Doc?"

"Because it did not puncture any major nerve or artery. It just grazed your flesh and that is why we can discharge you soon enough."

"That's great news doc."

"Good. I am glad to see you are doing well Kristina. And I really hope not to see you here again soon. Now I will let you guys talk. And Kristina do not put much pressure on your right hand just yet. Even if you do not feel pain, you still had to get stitches."

"Thanks Doc. Always a pleasure seeing you." He just nodded and left.

"I am guessing the doctor knows you?" Liz asked.

"Yeah. I was at this hospital after my accident, and this was one of the doctors who treated me." Liz nodded. Tori was now looking at me and Lee is well not really looking.

"So, what happened after...well this?" I pointed to my hand.

"I am not sure as we rushed you out of there to an ambulance. Somebody called it but as much as I have heard Aaron is being taken into custody and because of his behavior today I am not sure how much of a case he has. Also, I heard from Simone, who called me after you were brought here. She said that Aaron's lawyer told him he will not be fighting for him anymore. After your revelation I do not think he has much more a case to fight for either. Also, we are moving forward with our case. And now we are also serving him restraining orders."

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