Chapter 57

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Have you ever yearned for a nice, relaxing, good day?

Like nothing really happens on that day. But you know the world is turning hence time is passing. So, people are doing their daily routine just like me. Except there are no shocking discoveries. No shocking encounters or letters from your crazy exes or present company included. Like no shocking kisses or sudden understanding and acceptance of feelings for a certain red head. Yes, I am still there. Because as much as I am reluctant to say I know for a fact that I do love Charlie. It feels odd still, even to think it. I shivered a little at that. Actually, I was not certain about it until it hit me smack dab on my face. During my stay or rather confinement at the hospital, I realized that there is no running. I have to face the fact that I do indeed love Lee, my best friend currently who I may or may not have kissed a couple times. And as for accepting my feelings thereby having the probability of ever confessing. Yeah, no chance of that happening. Considering I still shiver a little all the time I think about it. Unfortunately, that is like every half hour. This did make Tori think I am cold on several occasions. And as for a simple day, yeah, I am yearning for that one more and more, every day.

It's been a few weeks since our return, or since spring break. But let's say it for what it is. Our return here to Cape Creek. Because that's what it felt like. Like return of the long gone or something. Fun fact your friends do not like it when you keep them in the dark especially about something like you have been shot by your crazy ex in the middle of a courtroom. Yes, the irony is not lost on me as I was the one who described the courtroom as something calm and peaceful giving it a vibe of 'calm before the storm.' Who knew then that there would be a storm and I would be the reason for it? I mean I should have known things would take a turn as soon as I revealed that tiny little snippet of information, which played a huge part in my life and will play a bigger part in the case.

Anyways, so my friends, yeah none of them seemed pleased. Or remotely okay regarding learning the fact that the reason my right arm is in bandage is because I was shot. Yeah, they hit Lee at first for not telling them. She took the brunt of the 'love' since they could not hit me. Then they started asking me what felt like millions of questions. They were all related to how I am now, how bad it is, and things like that. No one asked me to describe the scene of the attack, a thing I imagined they would. Not entirely sure why though now that I think about it. And these questions have not eased up since. Instead, they have doubled somehow.

School started, which was bound to happen as that was merely Spring Break. I was a little scared to go, honestly. Not just because of my right hand being tied up currently but also, I get scared now. At little things mostly crowded placed. This is new and not at all pleasant. Thank you, Aaron. I am so glad you shot me. In case you did not get that it was sarcasm meant entirely for the guy who not only tried to destroy me once but now twice, to my knowledge. Who knows how many times he actually tried to disrupt my life? I mean there is no saying. Turns out I did not know him at all. For once I never imagined that guy to be him, that night at the party. Then again after hearing him during the case, yeah, let me tell you I was beyond shocked to learn this side of him. Then there is the case rather the fact that he knows my address now, one that I never told him. I surely picked the 'perfect' guy to date, didn't I? I am so proud of my younger self. So much so that I want to go back in time and pat my back so hard that I fall and then knock my head once or twice to throw some sense into me. Oh boy now I sound like I want to hurt or abuse my younger self. Not a nice imagery or thought for that matter. I need to relax and not let anger get to me.

School has been a little rough for me. I am a right-handed person, whose right hand is now tied up. It was supposed to be not though. Doc was supposed to cut my stitches the day we came back but when he checked that day, he ordered to keep it like that for two more weeks. Two more torturous weeks. Still do not know why? Since when did stitches take so long to heal? Something told me it was weird. But I did not focus much on that instead on the fact that I was unable to take notes in class. I was barely able to write essays typing slowly with my left hand. Teachers let me submit things slowly because of that. But it was hard. High school, senior year was not easy for me to begin with. And now with the added difficulties because let's not forget that I am scared of crowds now. Although my friends namely Lee and Jeff and even Danny helped. Few times even Alice. That shocked me a lot. But I am still very much grateful.

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