Chapter 60

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These are some of the words we use to describe a person sometimes. Most times when a new person comes to town, teenagers dab them with a mysterious status. Why though? Is it just because we do not know anything about them? Shouldn't that be a little scary as opposed to just mysterious? But somehow that becomes the trait we all agree upon. Mysterious. I was dabbed as mysterious as well when I first stepped into Cape Creek. And I all but ate it up. So much so that I even hid parts of myself from my friends. I shouldn't have done that. I mean they literally welcomed me to be a part of their group by only the second day of me being in this town. And I must have trusted them enough to spend time with them, relax with them. Yet, I continued to hide things about myself from them. I definitely shouldn't have done that for sure. And now all I can do is repent for my actions even though none of them ever said anything regarding the facts that I kept secrets from them for months actually. Unfortunately for me I can still give reasons as to why I hid the things; I hid from my friends. Well, technically I hid things from Tori as well. Then again, I think it is safe to assume she was a stranger to me after neither of us knowing about the other for twelve fucking years.

The reason I am going off on this rant is because of the other word that comes with mysterious. The last word. And that word being sexy. Especially when we teenagers dab someone as sexy along with mysterious. I was never called sexy though, but I became the lead character for many stories for each and everyone here. I basically 'owned' rumor mill for months. I remember a show I watched a while back where a stranger came to town and to the high school there. He was dabbed mysterious and sexy almost instantly and teenage girls were shown to be drooling for him. You know what we learned about him later on in the show? He was a vampire who murdered numerous people. Now I am not saying everyone will be a vampire whoever is new. Although that kind of is fantastic to imagine. But I am just saying that the new people who are dabbed as mysterious and sexy could have a not so decent past which we always seem to overlook. Many times, we pretend we don't even care. Just because that person is new. And new is always alluring. I guess somehow, we erase the phrase 'strange danger' from our minds. Although now I do feel a little embarrassed that I remember it.

I went on this tangent and ranted is because of one name only. And that name unfortunately is, Aaron. Yep, you guessed it my crazy ex-boyfriend. It's been a while since I asked Lee to be my girlfriend and confessed my feelings. And things have happened. Oh, they definitely happened. Huge discoveries and revelations. Anyways I am getting ahead of myself. So last year as far as I remember exams were held after prom but this year it's different. The exams are being held first then followed by break, then prom and again a small break before results and finally graduation. This is good, isn't it? Relaxing after exams getting time to shop for prom, where again you can relax with your date and friends. And just enjoy the night. Without the worry of nearby exams looming over your head. I remember last year exams were after prom. I should remember because I all but chased Diane, who was avoiding me and for good reason, before she dumped me. Again, a good reason. Because of what I did to her I don't think I can ever be angry with her for dumping my stupid ass. I mean I literally hid behind her and used my said relationship to run from my feelings for Lee. I hurt Diane a lot and I shouldn't have done what I did. She fell in love with me for fuck's sake and I was just running and hiding. Not that I never had feelings for Diane, but they were never love. Now I know for sure, they became especially clear after I accepted my feelings for Lee. Like the clarity made me realize I was a douchebag to Diane. And what I did was the worst thing I could have done to anyone. Not good Kris, not good at all.

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