Chapter 61

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Boring old Thursday.

Ah! A thing I was so longing to say. I smile at my own commentary as I walk down the now empty school hallway. Why would it not be empty? After all school is over for the day and who other than us would like to hang around their school building when they do not have to. You see, it's not just me, it is all of my friends. Only problem is I am alone now, walking these empty halls as I start to think about my time here.

From the day I arrived to starting fights with Diane, befriending Amy by chance, then having my friends. Even the rumors surrounding me. All of it is making me nostalgic. I have been in kind of a dump recently, as Maize would say. After my sobbing, even though she soothed me, I still needed someone's shoulder, to lean on. Physically. And as much as I wish Maize was really there, she was not. Hence, it was a little difficult. Speaking of little, my little monster, Alex saw me crying and came running into my room. At least that's what I saw through my blurry, tear stained visions. Anyway, Alex was there with me, along with Maize. Even though I love my sister it's still... weird for me to sometimes openly cry in front of her. Especially about what I was thinking about. Because let's face it that was bad, I mean I was thinking of myself as poison and whatnot. Not that I specifically remember everything. It's just a blur now, even though it happened what few days ago.

Apparently, my brain hates remembering bad things, such as that day. I am not saying it is bad because who wants to remember those. But it feels like it is very convenient. I mean...anyways I do not think I am making any sense right now. Would you believe it if I say I completely forgot what I was thinking about? I even forgot what I am even doing here right now. I mean I am walking down the empty hallways for a reason and because of my nostalgic moment, I forgot what I was actually here to do. See this is what I was saying my brain is having spurs of amnesia, which I know is not good. I guess I should tell Tori about it, huh?

I continue walking aimlessly completely forgetting the reason. As I suddenly come across the football field. Not suddenly, it's just that instead of going to the gym, I walked in the direction of the outside, hoping to get fresh air, and re-jolt my brain into remembering. I thought oxygen would help. But now I am at the football field, walking by it. I feel the air on my face and breathe it in. Taking in deep breaths while slowing my speed. That's when I suddenly hear voices coming from somewhere. I peek into a nearby window and see the football Coach is talking to a student. Based on the atmosphere of the room, I think the guy is part of the team and the Coach is disappointed. Well, that much is obvious from the frown the Coach is hosting. I still cannot see the student, and suddenly I am very eager to see.

Just before I could see him, I hear snippets of conversation.

"If you do not get a perfect score in this upcoming makeup exam, you are out of the team. And you might not even be able to graduate with your classmates." The Coach yells, his face getting redder by the second.

Now I am intrigued as to who he is shouting at. Clearly this guy is a senior and judging from his demeanor, he is not affected by the news of not being able to graduate. But he is affected being thrown out of the team. That's shocking, but I am assuming he is a hardcore athlete. Then again, don't you need to graduate to still hold onto your football scholarship if you got one for college? I mean, I would assume so, yet here this guy stands unaffected by it, and he clearly seems like the type who not only plays football but loves and worships it. Now this guy's face is angry, and I still cannot see his full face only the side.

"But Coach that is Math. And you know I suck at Math." The guy says in an almost whining tone, which again shocks me.

That's when he finally turns after Coach scoffs at him for saying it. And I see it is Jason. As in CJ's boyfriend. Still. And if he is failing and he does not graduate meaning he will remain in school with CJ next year, when I will not be here. Whoa! That's Who will save CJ then? Granted I am not her only friend, but most times it seems so. The girl rarely talks to anyone to be their friend. And now if he stays, that means...oh hell no. I need to help CJ, as soon as possible, one way or another. I will find a way to make her understand. Because till I am in school, I can help her, but after I graduate. Wait, if he stays, then even if they break up, he can again weasel his way into her life? Dammit!

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