Chapter 62

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It is the day finally. Saturday is here. Not that it is late, or I was waiting eagerly for it. Okay, I was. I was waiting for this Saturday to come. But now that it is here, I am doubting my decision for letting Lee meet the Millers. Even though Mattie assured me on Thursday when I approached him with the idea. He loved it and said he surely needs to approve of his sister's girlfriend. Same with Mr. and Mrs. Miller. They were in fact very happy hearing that I have a girlfriend and that I love this person. They suggested meeting Lee before I could even tell them. But afterwards when I told Lee at the hangout. With her reaction and the rest of my friends' I am asking myself if I am hurting everyone with this crazy idea of mine.

I mean I do excel in hurting people. That is not unknown. And they hurt me too, leave me as well. Some permanently, some for the time being. But I don't know about it then, hence I always presume that they left me. Leaving me all alone. And now I am moping. Great. Here I was excited for today and now my mood has gone sour in just the few minutes that I have spent waiting for Lee and everyone else to get ready.

James joins me on the couch and sits beside me. Then the little dude slowly crawls onto my lap, as if trying to not let me know. When I look at his cute face, he giggles. But then as usual gives me a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek by literally pulling my face towards him. He settles in nicely before looking at the TV and watching it. I did not even realize it was on till now. Or did James switch it on? Dammit. And here I am his aunt who should be seeing what the child is doing and be careful, but I was lost in myself, getting sad. James is unaware of the turmoil going on inside my head. He is relaxed as he presses his back to me and watches the program, which I have no clue about. It does not look like cartoon then what is he watching?

My sour mood is not just because of Thursday though. It sort of escalated yesterday. After the half day school, Jeff, Danny, Lee and I decided to go somewhere for lunch. It was just a friends hangout thing which swiftly changed gears when Jake and June announced they have a date planned, and Alice backed out going with either of the groups. Not saying where she will be but said that she will be June's alibi but will not be with them. That's strange, she never leaves her cousin and Jake alone as far as I remember. Something must be up, but none of us have any idea. Anyway, so after that the four of us decided to continue on the plan to have lunch. But since it was just the four of us with Lee and I being a couple, it became awkward quickly.

Jeff and Danny like each other. I was sure they both knew that but apparently not, as I have gathered. Not that I have talked to Danny regarding this, but from his subtle glances, and his smile hearing about Lee and me. And his annoyance when he learned Jeff was not denying about him and me, just like Lee. Although neither of the two ever voiced their anger, disappointment, sadness and even jealousy, but it was there nonetheless, even if unspoken. And since Jeff told me he is going to ask Danny out on Saturday. Our lunch plan suddenly made it weird. It was evident in the obnoxiously long car ride, which was suffocating with the awkwardness radiating from those two. Lee on the other hand was busy panicking. Again unvoiced. Why do these people never say these things? Things would be so much simpler, at least, I think. Well looking back that is. Huh so maybe they are better left unsaid!

I, on the other hand was busy watching Danny give subtle glances at Jeff throughout the ride, while Lee kept on mumbling something under her breath. Danny then put a hand on Lee's folded hands on her lap. I noticed the small smile she passed Danny for it. And just then weirdly both Jeff and I checked on them glancing at the back seat. So much similarity between Jeff and me. And since we sort of realized it, we burst out laughing, which suffice it to say irritated those two, as they were not privy to the secret. Well, they were keeping secrets of their own, so I felt that it was justified.

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