Chapter 70

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Graduation night was the most memorable night for me. And I think Lee would agree with me on this one. I guess I should say the whole day is memorable for me. From graduating high school to our first night together it was just perfect. And I would not want to change any part of it, even the time I was stressed out during lunch or Lee's reasons to be scared. I think we needed to have that talk, she needed to tell me, those doubts for me to understand and for us to be better. For me to try more to let Lee see that she is the only one for me. And I definitely would not change the part where we both cried that night. Weirdly not after our talk but after we 'had an out of body experience.' Yeah, from now on I am calling it that. Although I am sure Lee will hit my shoulder if she hears it, but I am calling it that.

The next morning when we woke up because of the sun's rays peeking through the curtains in Lee's room. It was morning and it was bright. And thus, we were a little awkward around each other. I am not sure why but we both kissed and hugged each other while wishing morning. Then we became awkward. How I know for sure, because we both started with "So..." And neither of us finished the sentence or looked the other in the eye. I mean what was that. Well, it's been about a week now so I can say that, but we have been supremely awkward around each other. Not just that morning later on too.

When we realized we needed to get up that morning, we also realized that we were naked. And apparently seeing in fairy lights at night is different as seeing in sunlight. My brain thought so. As I informed Lee of my scars yet again to which she just rolled her eyes, sat up, pulled the bedsheet, covered herself nicely and waked to the bathroom. No words, not even a single glance my way. And guess what I did. I sat there on her bed, stunned and very much naked as she stole the only sheet covering both of us. After some time when my shock passed, I got up and wore just the pajama pant and shirt, I didn't even button them as I waited for Lee to step out. When she did, she looked at me once and walked to her bed nothing more. And that was the start of our awkwardness around each other. I still have no idea why we were awkward after we slept together. But it happened.

Lee's dad was away, and Topher called rather sent a very drunk text later on that day informing us that he will not be coming back. So, we had another night and the whole day to enjoy ourselves. Guess what we did. We left the house and came to Tori's. I guess it makes sense because then we were able to enjoy breakfast with everyone. And Alex was very happy to see us. Although Liz teased us because she was the first one to notice the hickeys, we were both sporting. But it was good, nonetheless. Then later on we did return to Lee's house. We ordered in a bunch of food and spent the day watching movies, eating and of course enjoying each other in the newfound way. We did all that without really talking. How can that be? If you are thinking that, then trust me I am too. But we somehow managed to, with just nodding or saying maybe one word while ordering food we got away without talking. It was not bad, but a little odd, nonetheless. Especially because we both were radiating awkwardness.

Next day Lee's dad returned home, and he was more than happy to see both of us there. He hugged us and asked how our graduation party was. That question made us look at each other and exchange a smile. Not for the party as I think he thought, but for what happened afterwards, which Lee's dad has no idea about. I think, well, I hope. Topher did not return that day as well. While her dad worked in his room or his home office doing whatever he does, Lee and I spent another day cooped up in her bedroom. Loaded with snacks and movies we were set. We were only seen during dinner for which we actually went to the diner. I would say as a date, but I am not sure. I guess it was a date in its own way. Afterwards we returned to Lee's house only.

Guess what has changed? After the first night, even if we were awkward around each other, we cannot keep our hands to ourselves especially when we are together alone. And in Lee's house with Topher absent and her dad almost hiding away, we were mostly alone, locked in her room. And we spent another night enjoying ourselves. Without any kid knocking on the door, we were left alone. Lee's dad did not even wake us up in the morning. Actually, I am not sure if he did knock or not as were passed out. We woke up at around 11 and had lunch directly, still cooped up in Lee's room. But on this fourth day Topher returned in the evening breaking our perfect paradise. Not really but Topher being Topher, he started teasing us, true to his nature. We did not mind that, and we spent yet another night in Lee's room. But on this night unfortunately, Topher's room is somewhere near Lee's which I didn't notice, and Lee didn't tell me, so I was shocked when someone banged on her bedroom door at about 2 am. Apparently, we were being too loud for him to ignore us.

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