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Disclaimer: Though I will eventually explain more about the universe, I would just like to add in the disclaimer that in-universe, the 'assignment test' given at 14 is NOT about BDSM, but more of a personality/aptitude test. Nothing about BDSM/Sexual Content is discussed or happens with anyone under the age of 18. Also, content warning: a small anxiety/panic attack.


Chapter1: Jace

I've never wanted to disappear more than I do today. My stomach is churning. I don't want to go to school, especially not like this. Maybe if I throw up from anxiety, mom will let me stay home?

Even as I think that, I know it won't happen. She's been hounding me for days, preparing me for school, giving me guidelines to follow and rules to abide by and constantly reminding me about this and that. About getting assigned a submissive when I graduate.

The thought makes me shudder. Only four years, and I'll be assigned a submissive. With that thought, comes the guilt. I know, even with classes, I can never give a sub what they need. I can't be a dominant, because I'm not one. I've never been one.

But it's what my papers say. All official documents of my test from age 14, my IDs, all of it list me as a dominant. Numerous shady deals made sure of that. And I can't hide from it anymore. I have to go to college and take these classes, or I'll be a failure. I can't be a failure.


I poke my head out from under my comforter, swallowing heavily. "M-morning, Cameron..."

Cameron frowns and closes my door behind him, coming to sit on the edge of my bed. "You okay?"

I shake my head slowly. "I feel sick, Cam." Cameron puts the back of his hand on my forehead, lips pursed, but I gently nudge it away before I talk again. "Not physically. Anxiety sick."

"Oh. Yeah, it's today, isn't it? Starting school?"


"I can't believe I forgot...I'd drive you, but I have a class before orientation for you and Jacque." Cameron looks aside, at the uniform hanging off my closet door. "I'm sorry. But you know how our parents are."

"No kidding...Cameron, I can't take care of a submissive!" Just thinking about it makes my stomach flip.

"Hey...hey, don't cry. We'll figure it out. You have four years. Maybe by then, I'll have talked sense into mom and dad." Cameron, seeing that I'm still teary-eyed, reaches out to ruffle my hair. "I promise. And I'll be there, too. We won't have any of the same courses, but you can find me if you need me, and I'll help, okay?"

I nod, absently leaning into my brother's comforting gesture. I turn my gaze to the uniform. "I don't wanna wear that. It's scratchy and ugly."

"I know, but that's what the doms wear."

"Why do their clothes have to be ugly? And so boring...Why khaki?"

"Hey, I like khaki."

"That's 'cause you're boring." Cameron teasingly poking at me makes me laugh despite my nerves. "You arrrre! You read for fun!"

"That's correct. If you get up now, I'll make you some pancakes."

"I dunno if I can eat..."

"Not even chocolate chip pancakes?"

I shove my blanket away. "Maybe a couple." I pull on a pair of socks as Cameron leaves. The floors are always freezing this early in the morning, and I'm already having a bad day. I don't want cold feet on top of that. I've barely made it out of my room when I hear someone clear their throat.

Defying Dominance (MxM) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now