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My breath hitched as I stared at the massive brick building before me. It was surrounded by a very menacing barbed wired fence.

In this moment, I wished I could go back to the day I willingly agreed to take this 'special' opportunity.

If I would've backed out, I would be driving in my own car, instead of some old dilapidated juvenile bus. That's right, juvenile bus.

For the next few months, I will be rooming and 'acting' like a typical juvie kid. No special privileges for me. Even though, I did absolutely nothing to earn a spot in this lovely reform school.

I'm going totally undercover while I stay here. Not one single person in this place can know that I'm not actually a legitimate delinquent.

You see, I'm doing this in hopes that I win a big scholarship for college. I will be writing about my whole stay during this experiment and turn it into a big project for everyone to learn about. It's like a huge social experiment, but in juvenile hall.

The only people that know about my true motives are my principal, parents, and the lady who changed all the paperwork to get me in Monroe's Youth Reform Academy. I don't know how she managed to enroll me or if this is even legal.

According to my principal, this will be a huge eye-opener to people who have never experienced going to a reform school. He thinks I'm the perfect canidate for bringing this to the light.

I don't really think too highly of myself in this department, but oh well.

All my friends think I'm going on a long trip with an educational touring organization. Only if that were the truth. It really sucked lying to them about the trip. It was only to better conceal that my secret wouldn't be revealed. Hopefully, they'll understand when the whole project is cracked open.

Now the real question is... Will I be able to survive the upcoming months emotionally and physically?

I frankly, have no clue.

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