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Chapter 9: Jace

I want to scream, but I just bite my lip and let the people fiddle with my hair.

"Stand still, Jace."

I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes at Lucinda, but I do my best to stay still while she tugs and pulls at my shirt, trying to get it to sit a certain way.

"Your Dad better give me some extra cash for making these last minute alterations to your date wear," Lucinda grumbles, shoving a safety pin through my shirt as her gremlins finally release my hair.


"I barely poked you, calm down."

"You still poked me..."

Lucinda puts another safety pin on the side, poking me harder before she fastens it. "Oops."

"Why are you pissed at me? I'm not the one that called you up here. Dad did."

"Your dad pays me. You don't. Besides, this wouldn't be a problem if you didn't keep giving us the wrong measurements. Your clothes wouldn't be so baggy."

"I like baggy-"

"They look messy. Stop bitching about it, Jace."

I glower at her but fall silent. No wonder her sub never talks. She's mean. I look away from her, over at one of the guys that had been working with my hair. He's just...sitting there, on the floor, head down and his hands in his lap.

"Alright. Give me your shirt. I'll leave it in your room when it's done. Out."

I slip out of my shirt, leaving me in just a dark red tank top as I leave the room, hearing her bark an order at her sub before I close the door to the guest room. I've never particularly liked Lucinda, but she's not quite as bad when she isn't called up here at 6 a.m. to work on 'fixing' clothes for my date.

There's already a reporter outside, I realize, peeking out the curtains to the front yard. I'm going on a date, not to the fucking Met Gala. Go away. I close the curtains before they can see me and wander into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Jace."

"Good morning, Carlos. What are you cooking?"

"Rice pancakes, potatoes, and chickpeas."

I frown, wrinkling my nose. "Mom is on one of those food kicks again, isn't she?"

Carlos laughs and nods, leaning against the counter. "She is. But I can make you some chocolate chip pancakes if you'd like."

"I wouldn't want to be a bother..."

"It's no problem at all."

"If you're sure...I would love chocolate chip pancakes." I hop onto one of the stools at the island, watching Carlos busy himself in the kitchen. "So...How's your daughter?"

"Oh she's amazing! She learned to ride a bike last week. She was so proud of herself, and so was I. And she got right back up even though she fell into a bush. Just like her papa!"

"...You fell into a bush?"

"I meant it figuratively. Though I have fallen into a thorn bush once or twice." Carlos glances back at me. "And you? Thrilled for that date of yours?"

I sigh. "Not particularly. I don't really want to date right now."

"Ah, so nothing like your brothers, then? Speaking of, tell Cameron that there will be no more aggressive making-out in my kitchen. There are plenty of other rooms for that."

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