chapter one : the interview

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"I have nothing to wear!" shouted emma as she ran around her new, small apartment looking for some clothes for the upcoming interview as a café waitress.

"well, i guess this has to do it" she said, grabbing some clothes off of her bed and putting them on.

it was a leather black push bra, that could be worn as as a crop top and some black tight jeans.

"as long as i wont eat anything or breathe much, it should be fine" she laughed and went to the bathroom to do her makeup and hair.

she ended up putting on only some slight makeup, not really visible, but still pretty cute.

she combed her hair into a high ponytail. her black hair holding perfectly, reaching her collar bones.

"okay, let's do this" she said, as she grabbed her gray backpack and slipped into her black heals to match her outfit.

✨20 minutes and four bus stops later✨

the bell on the door jingled as emma stepped into the small café.

it was really beautiful. mostly pastel pink and white with pastel blue chairs and pink and white cow patterns all over the place as a wallpaper.

"damn, this is a really nice place* emma said out loud as she walked to the counter.

the waitress that stood behind it catched emmas attention immediately. her body was perfect. and not only it. she had breasts almost suffocating in her tight crop top, which was white with baby blue word milk leading across her roud chest.

her waist so slim, emma almost dropped her jaw, and her butt pressing against her baby blue mini skirt.

"hi! and welcome to the cow café! how may i help you today?" the girl said, smiling from ear to ear.

"oh-uh. im here for the, for the interview" emma smiled, looking at the waitress once more.

"oh, sure. amanda said you would come. please, follow me" the girl smiled and emma did as said.

the girl led her through some back doors into a really nice, small, luxurious office with a name plate amanda.

"welcome! you must be emma, right? im amanda, the head of the cow café."

woman on a chair behind a desk said as soon as they came into the room.

amanda was wearing a white suit and a skirt. both being too small for her. her light brown hair was in a high bun and she was smiling from ear to ear.

"i, yes, thats me. it really nice to meet you, amanda" emma said, sitting down on the chair that was opposite of amanda.

the girl left in the meantime.

"so, emma, i am going to ask you a few questions. i already read through your curriculum vitae and i must say, you are exactly the person i am looking for."

amanda smiled and emma smiled back.

"so, emma, what brings you in this town?"

"i was looking for something small, something not so ordinary like a work in the office."

"i see. what about your family, what do they think about it?"

what a strange question. emma thought but shrigged it off.

"well, im not really in touch with them. so i dont really know about their opinion."

"okay. do you have any partner at the moment?

what? i guess amanda has a reasont for asking these questions. emma thought once again.


"great. you are hired"

amanda smiled, standing up.

"wow, i-i, thank you" emma smiled, standing up as well and shaking her hand with amanda and then signing a contract about her work.

"please, now if you will follow me. i will show you where you will be working"

amanda said, leading emma further back.

isnt the café the opposite direction?

emma thought, but shrugged it off.once again.

"so, welcome, to the cow café!"

amanda exclaimed and walked with emma to a room, almost identical to the café on the front.

"there are two cafés?" emma asked, walking with amanda.

"yes, the front one is just a normal, ordinary café, but this, this is the one and only, cow café"

amanda said and led emma through the last door.

"so, emma, first of, lets get you a uniform. and then we will discuss some more details."

✨one uniform later✨

"isnt it a little big, and revealing?" emma asked, as she walked out of the changing room.

she was wearing a short crop with the word milk on it, but this one was baby pink, not blue. it was a little loose around her small breasts.

the second part of the uniform, a skirt, also a little loose and the same colour as her top. it was made with a hole dangerously near her lady parts.

she was also barefoot.

"well, it will be fine, you will get used to it. also, it may seem a little loose now, but you will grow into it" amanda said, as she was going through her clip board.

"now, what will we call you? emma doesn't have the right ring to it" amanda said, listing through some papers.

"so it can be annabelle, dottie or clarabelle" amanda said, looking up from the papers on emma.

"i-, um, what are these? cow names?" emma asked, looking back at amanda.

"yes, of course. cow café. cows. cow name" amanda said, still looking at emma.

"oh, well, dottie?" emma said unsurely.

what did i signed up for?

"okay, dottie it is. good choice. even tho my favourite is probably annabelle. but dottie is catching as well."

amanda said, writing some more things down.

"okay, dottie. now, i will see you tomorrow at 7 am. also, please, leave your uniform on you untill then."

amanda said, walking away.

"why's that?" emma asked.

"you will see tomorrow. I'm sorry I didn't stay any longer, but i need to finish something in my office. i will have sugar show you everything tomorrow."

amanda said, as she walked away.

"well, this will be interesting"

emma said, leaving the café and heading home in her new uniform.

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