"Yes, Master."

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Hello my beautiful people! ❤

This is... Something different. I know I have been very consistent with my ships, but lately I just couldn't get this thought out of my head and I knew someday I would have just let it flow and go over my own borders. So, you read my tags well, this is going to be a Youngjo/Gunhak one-shot but also somehow slightly Gunhak/Seoho and Gunhak/Dongju...

You can see I was very enthusiastic about Gunhak getting laid, right? Because I was. That and my ultimate obsession for Reiki ASMR videos like these ones, I'll leave you the link so you can get an idea about the Master's room and general vibe of the session: 

Also, I want to dedicate this work to F. who's my perv mind fellow and who inspired me to write this in the first place. I know you are going through a lot right now and I really hope you will enjoy this and take some time to yourself to just relax (like this Gunhak of mine) because you matter as well as anyone else around you. Please, enjoy ❤

Now I will leave you to it then, please let me know what you think about it! ❤


"Enough!" Keonhee abruptly put his mug down on the table with a loud thud, surprising everyone who was sitting around the dinner table. He stood up, giving Gunhak a distressed look. "I'm sorry, hyung but I'm sick of this behavior of yours! We are friends and we are supposed to be here to listen to you and to support you, not to be your punching bag! Could you at least say that you are sorry?" He asked as he pointed at Seoho who was looking down at his trousers where Gunhak had just accidentally thrown the entire water bottle while handing it to the oldest a bit too nervously.

Gunhak sighed, trying to read through Seoho's poker face to understand if he might had been as angry as Keonhee but his own anger was the only emotion he could feel. He stood up looking straight in Keonhee's eyes: "As if I did it on purpose! It's not my fault he's been losing his muscle power because he's skipping his daily workout with me and he can't even hold a water bottle now that he has a boyfriend!" He couldn't help stressing the word 'boyfriend' extremely well for the youngest to hear and that was the moment Keonhee stood up as well, his fists clenched at the sides of his body.

"What are you trying to say, hyung? Seoho hyung and me dating doesn't imply anything negative in his diet nor in his workout routine. You are the one who's obsessed with it and, honestly, it's starting to worry us all!" He shoot back as he grabbed a towel to help his boyfriend dry himself.

"There is nothing to be worried about! I'm perfectly fine with my perfect life and my perfect friends!" Gunhak raised his voice as he took his own bowl which still contained half of his healthy salad to rudely throw it in the sink with a loud clashing sound. "I lost my appetite."

"What Keonhee said is true, hyung." It was Dongju's voice this time and the oldest couldn't help freezing where he was before turning around to look in the other's pretty eyes: that was the first time he saw his favorite maknae's face darkening under a shadow of worry menacingly hovering on it. "You're clearly stressed and I'm not sure you realized this has been effecting all of us." He added, standing up as well and carefully making a couple of steps close to Gunhak. "Talk to us..."

Gunhak wished it was that simple. He wished he could just simply talk about everything that was bothering him: about his jealousy towards his friends who had just found the love of their lives in between their house walls, about his university major that he hated but he couldn't change in fear of being a true disappointment for his entire family, about Dongju who had been bothering his thoughts and his sleepless nights making him question everything about himself and his sexuality he had been one hundred percent sure about until a couple of months ago, when Hwanwoong had insisted on bringing his dear class mate in their apartment. He couldn't say anything. He wished he could but it was not easy, it really wasn't for him, for his introvert personality and he could do nothing but get angry at himself and at anyone who was around him because he despised himself the most.

"Yes, Master." | Youngdo/Seodo +18Where stories live. Discover now