Training Session

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*Last time on HIDDEN!!*
"Hello, Kianna and Blaze" she said while looking at them. "The names Brooks. Catherine Brooks, but you can call me Cate. I have been sent out here to protect you and you're dog" she said sitting back.

"So what are you, some kind of spy" A asked still confused from going on.

"Secret agent" Catherine said while crossing her legs and shrugging.

"Same thing" Blaze said to her while looking confused. "So Catherine, if thats your real name, you said you were protecting us, but from who?" He asked her. Then they heard a voice and looked at the door and seen Mariah.

"What the" Mariah said while pointing to Blaze, with her open from being in shock from what she had just witnessed .

"Not again" Kianna said while putting  her head in her hands.**

I really gotta learn how to lock that door, or at least close it. I walked up to her and bring into the room. I have no choice but to tell her now, I can't keep lying to her. This is my baby sister and if something were to happen to me, I wanna know that I could be able to trust her to look after Blaze.

"Ok that wasn't an impression he definitely talked this time" Mariah said pointing at him.

"Man you gotta learn how to close your door" Blaze said as he jumped onto the bed. Mariah couldn't take his eyes off Blaze and then her eyes finally landed on Catherine, and then she got scared again.

"And who is this?" She asked pointing at Catherine. And then she stuck her hand out.

"Hi I'm agent Catherine Brooks. Long story short both your sister and her dog got struck by lighting and they both have powers. I've been sent out here to protect them." She said while pulling out some sort of gadget. "This is Brooks, I found the target. Send the car" she said before putting it back in the pocket. The car? Yea no she is not about to kidnap us.

"Wait a minute... you have powers?" Mariah said while looking at me, and I nodded my head.

"Huh? No i don't- see we- it- Yeah its true. We both have them actually"I said to her. 

"And you were just gonna hide this forever?" She asked in a confused tone. 

"Yeah that was kinda the plan" i said while nodding my head, and Mariah looked at her with her eyebrows raised. " I know and i'm sorry, but look not a word of this to mom or dad" I said while pointing at her. 

"Ok today we have a busy schedule. I have to get you down to the lab and checkout the weapons" Catherine said to us.

"Wait..lab? What lab?" Blaze asked. 

"I mean you two have powers right?" She asked and we nodded. "Ok so we need to guys to lab to get you started for your training" she said while putting her jacket on.

"Training for what" I asked. 

"Look this will all make sense once we get to the lab! The car is here! Let's go!" She said while walking towards the dog.

"The car? Yea no, that's gonna happen! Listen lady we don't know, or what you about and we would like to keep that way" I said to her and A nodded. "Please exit the way you came in, so we can continue living ours lives" I said shooing her away while opening the door. 

Did this random lady really expect me to buy the bullshit that she's trying to sell. Before I could even blink the lady pulled out anther gadget and sat it onto Blaze's cage.

"Listen lady we already told you leave. I don't know why you thought bringing out another one of your toys was gonna scare us" Blaze said to her. She then turned on the gadget and we heard a loud beeping sound, and all of sudden the cage exploded into pieces.

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