Depressed Me...

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What the hell is wrong with me?!? I'm so ugly and fat! *sigh* no guy wants me and never will... I've been in the high school for almost a full year and nothing hasn't happened yet... Absolutely nothing... I weigh 145 and play soccer and Im pretty good I'm forward. I had a boyfriend a month ago and all he did was use me... I thought he was the one for me so I accepted him and I wish I never did... Life is pointless to me I don't know why I even bother? I guess this is my diary/fantasy.

Well its my 8th month at school today its May 1st. I walked to my locker and put in my combination, then a boy was at the next locker to me? There's never been someone at that locker all year. He was tall with black hair and has a blue streak in the front of his head. He was so hot I couldn't stop looking at him, Oh shit! He caught me staring! He smirks and smiles at me and says "Hi" I pause for a minute and turn around to make sure he was talking to me and then I notice he is talking to me so I say "Hi" back. He still has that smirk on his face and says "My name is Cameron." I say "its nice to meet you Cameron, my name is Rose." With a giant smile on my face. Cameron starts to laugh a little, I say "what's so funny ?" Cameron says "you have such a beautiful smile and I think you're really cute." Well of course I blush like crazy and say thanks then I say I really like your streak. He looks at me confused for a second and then he laughs and says oh yeah I forgot I had this stupid thing, I laugh a little. All of a sudden out of know where he takes my phone out of my hand and starts typing, I ask what are you doing? He said oh I'm really sorry I thought you wouldn't want my number and I didn't want to have no for an answer. I put my number in text me then he winked and walked to his first class, I stood there with my mouth wide open with a giant smile on my face. My friends Sarahy, Kayla and Katelyne come up to me asking what the hell happened to my face? I laughed really hard and told them everything about Cameron, they were so happy that I got a guys number for once.

School is over with at 2:42pm. I go to my locker to put the combination in then I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around and it's Cameron, I say, hi what's up? With a little smile.Cameron was super shy all of a sudden and he asked "could we hang out today? I know we just met today but I really want to get to know you and this also sounds weird but I'm starting to like you already." I smile and say "I'm starting to like you too and I'd be happy to hang out with you" I wink and start walking away, he knew what I was doing I was being a flirt. I text my mom when we walk out the doors, mom I'm going to Kayla's house I'll be back at 6:30 and I'm doing my homework don't worry. She responds and says ok fine with me I'll see you when you get home, love you. I tell Cameron that my mom says its cool if we hang out.

Cameron and me walked to the Junior High and sat in the grass next to a giant slide. Cameron asks some questions about science and I helped him the best I could.
He did something I would have never expected he leaned in and kissed me, when he did it was gentle, then his tongue creeped in my mouth and was smooth like silk, he tasted of strawberry and a light mint, it was a million times better then my "X" boyfriends kisses, Cameron then grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him, I then pulled away. Cameron asked what was wrong with me? Nothing I am just... he then cuts me off and puts his hands on my cheeks and said, tell me the truth. He said, "fine but its stupid. My X boyfriend only used me and dumped me and I call myself stupid everyday because of it and I'm so insecure, I also cut myself and have so many scars that I can't count. He then looked at me like he wanted to cry, he felt bad for me and I didn't want him to feel bad for me. He said that he used to cut but he quit because his life got better and he felt better about himself. I asked what he was insecure about? Cameron said, "I felt ugly and my dad passed away, he was in a car accident and he never made it. I started crying I just couldn't keep it in. He then hugged me and kissed my cheak gently. We then packed our stuff and when we started walking he grabbed my hand and held on tight like he never wanted to let go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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