1 | Introduction

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For the people reading this, thank you for giving my book a chance, means a lot!

~P R E V I E W~

"Mhmm I'm surprised I'm back here.." I said looking around the place I used to call home, long ago.. I could feel Seb clinging onto my hand tighter as we walked closer to the two men we used to call brothers.

"Lia I know it doesn't seem like much, but we are very-" Matias started speaking in a soft gentle voice. I wasn't having it though, not after all this time.. 

"I don't care, nor wish to listen to your excuses" I said looking at them, "What's done is done, no point in trying to explain now.."

"Nat I know we didn't make the best decision at the time, but we are truly-" Matias began again, before getting shushed by Ale..

"She said she didn't want to hear your excuses!" He yelled at both of them, I just inwardly laughed at the face he made the brothers do. I was proud that he wasn't falling for their tricks either.

"Watch your mouth you brat." Mateo said glaring at my brother. Uh yea that's going to have to stop.

"You watch your mouth Mateo before I do something you might regret." I told him with my own glare. Blood or not, Alejandro has been under my care for these past four years. I'll be damned if this giant gives any attitude to my child.

"Lia, what did I tell you about the rules?" Matias said squeezing his nose bridge

I scoffed, he does know I am 18 now right?, "I am an adult, you will not use some silly rules over me. Not after sending us away for four years!"

"Lia you have to-"

"I have to do what? Understand why you left us alone? Well newsflash dear brother I am not the same little girl from four years ago.."

"She sure has changed.." Mateo muttered under his breath, making me glare at him

"No shit, because your little sister died that day you guys sent me away. I'm not your little lia anymore get that through your head. 

A/N: I'm so excited to start writing again! If you are reading this seriously thank you for reading my book! Beyond grateful for all of you guys!💋

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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