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Hi guys! Perfect Addiction has been out in the world for several weeks now, and I'm so excited to share with you two pieces of exclusive bonus content from the book! Sadly, this bonus epilogue didn't make it into the physical copy, but at least you get to enjoy it here on Wattpad!

NOTE: This chapter takes place after the events of Perfect Addiction [published version]

[Kayden's POV]

Three Weeks Later

There. She. Goes.

The crowd bursts with a thunderous roar when Sienna emerges, looking mystifying in her dark red robe and matching-colored MMA gloves. My color.

And now, it's hers too.

She beats her fists together, her dark eyes rife with purpose as she leaps onto the cage effortlessly. She's nervous – I can tell – but doesn't show it to anyone else. Especially her opponent. I know she won't. She's my tough, fiery Lucky. Outside of the cage, she's reckless and insane and I love her for it but inside, she's razor-sharp focused, strategic, and bleeding uncompromising ambition.

Her mental walls are up matching her physical ones as she eases into her stance with her guard up. Her mouth tightens into a straight, vicious line when she faces her opponent, who is all tense and serious staring back at her. The woman she's fighting against, Ramona, is similar in weight and height; she's fought for another promotion before so she's clearly no stranger to the scene. A daunting opponent to be facing for tryouts today.

But Sienna's strong. She can do this. And if she doesn't win, I know she'll bounce back next time even stronger. She hates backing down for a fight when she sees one. It's what gets me absolutely fucking feral for her.

Ever since Brent and Evans' wedding, we've been going strong. I decided not to move back into the apartment, thinking it'll probably be better not to rush into another living situation where it would feel things are moving way faster than it's supposed to. Sienna and I agree to take it slow this time around. Take it day by day. We both really want to make this work, while at the same time giving each other a respectable amount of distance so we can pursue a healthy relationship. After what we've been through together, we'd be crazy to fuck it up a second time, and I'll be damned if I let it happen. Not on my fucking watch.

But I've got nothing to worry about because Sienna and I have been getting good at establishing boundaries; I've been staying back at my parents' house on most days, catching up on my college deadlines and training. After having to juggle both work and school for a few weeks now, I'm exhausted. I seriously don't know how Sienna does it. The hours are long and tough, and keeping on top of both requires a lot of planning ahead, which I'm not that good at yet. But I'm trying to find a balance.

When I'm able to, I sleep over at the apartment with Sienna during the weekends. I can't stay away from her too long, and I love waking up to her nestled in my arms in the morning. It's where she belongs. And in the morning, I cook her a nice warm breakfast - just the way she likes it - so we can start the day together with our morning jogs, followed by brunch at our favourite coffee spot, Caffeinated.

I try to make Sienna feel comfortable with the baby steps we're taking so it doesn't seem like I'm rushing her. It's not a good idea for me to permanently move in, given that this is all still so new. We fell in love so quickly before - and it crashed just as fast as it burned. So, I want to do it right this time. And I think Sienna agrees too.

The bell rings, signaling the start of the fight. Both Sienna and Remona spend a few seconds sizing each other up, looking for an opening. Ramona is the first to pounce, testing Sienna as she throws a straight jab-cross-hook combo at her, which Sienna blocks easily.

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