Chapter 1

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Lily POV

"I swear Lily,you would be the death of me someday", My
mother says as she barged into my room door disturbing my search for tickets to travel around the world without even knocking like a normal mother would do

"Mum,I swear I did not do anything this time around, it was Blake that did it, not me, whatever it is you are blaming me for, it was Blake that did it", I replied her with fake sincerity and pity in my eyes hoping she would believe it and leave me to my search.

But Alas,no,this is my freaking mother we are talking about, she has never been the kind and understanding mother and she definitely would not start now

"No, I am pretty sure it was you that flattened all my car tires this time around lily",

Oh yes, the tires. I remember that now.But that was not my fault completely. I wanted to take her car out and give it some manual check up as the good and lovely daughter that I am.

And I just happened to stop the car on the way, to casually and coincidentally pick my best friend up and go to the car race, played some good'ol car car race with my best friend, run over some pieces of nails am pretty sure the other contestants laid on the ground to cheat,drop my best friend back home, casually forgot about the check up of the car, drove back home and finally noticed that her poor tires have been completely destroyed by the nails I also forgot to remove while coming home,but then all these happened because I was being a good daughter to my mother

" Won't you answer me lily,or does a cat got your tongue?!", my mum shouted at me again pulling me out of my thought

" Sorry mum,but really this time it wasn't my fault, I just wanted to be a good daughter to you?", I said which only made my poor mum angrier that I could almost see the steams coming out of her ears

"I don't know what am going to do with you seriously, why can't you be more like your sister Emelia, she would never flatten my tires and claim that she is trying to be a good daughter, and while you are at it, you can as well stop your day dreaming of traveling around the world and start thinking of your soon to be marriage with your soon to be husband ", she said as she stormed out of my room door and of course not closing it like how she saw it when she first barged in

Oh so sorry,where are my manners (probably in the trash can).

I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is Lily Scarlett Johansson, am a 17 year old girl who always dreams of traveling around the world and I am the fourth born of a family of five, yes I have two loving older brothers namely Chris and Blake, Chris is the first born, he is the relaxed and chill brother that has always got your back when it comes to financial issues or bigger issues that you can't possibly solve on your own. Blake is the sweet,fun,childish and definitely mischievous brother that you can count on to have your back wherever or whenever you need him to.

And there is Emelia, the perfect, kiss up to the ass of our parent daughter, she is like those queen bee you see in movies except that she doesn't have a back sob story and is just plainly wicked. And lastly there is my little angelic sister Maya, who is so adorable you can literally do anything for her, she is my most favorite in the family after Blake and I love her to the bits. Oh and I forgot to mention I would be getting married In the next two weeks after my 18th birthday to a guy I don't know from Adam because of a family debt........

"Shit, I almost lost the site I was looking at that might actually give me a ticket around the world for a very cheap price", I said to no one in particular or someone if I count the little robot my genius of a best friend Sara built for me,I would still have to thank her later for that.

It is all Emelia fault that I wasn't able to thank her for the robot the moment she gave me as she was the one who told mum that I haven't done my house chores yet I was receiving visitors which got my mom angry and I had to send Sara back home discreetly before even thanking her. And it doesn't help that I forgot to thank her at the car race. Stupid brain and Stupid Emelia. I really dislike that girl.

"LILYYYY, DID YOU FREAKING TAKE MY DRINK FROM THE FREEZER", I heard a very annoying voice scream from downstairs,
Like can't a girl have a moment of peace in her freaking life.

"I SWEAR TO GOD LILY, IF YOU TOOK IT, I PROMISE TO CUT YOUR STUPID PRECIOUS HAIR IN YOUR SLEEP", The annoying voice persisted but now it is different, that stupid voice threatened my hair. MY HAIR!!!. Like who the hell threatens a person with their hair, especially when that person with the hair is me.

"COULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP EMELIA,I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR STUPID DRINK, SO YOU COULD GO BACK TO BEING A DOLLIED UP KISS ASS TO MUM", I shouted back to her, that freak of a sister could actually carry out her threat if she ever found out I took her drink.

Oh yes, I lied to her and I did take her drink infact, I took the drink in the posh England way. But I would never tell her that cause I don't joke with my hair. At all.

Harry POV

"The moment I saw you, I knew you were the one I was destined to be with my love", I said for the hundredth time in a row to another prostitute I saw in the club.

And just like every other girls, she would accept my love and be swayed with it until I dump her which would most certainly happen in the next five hours after I am done with her.

"Oh baby, I know and I have fallen for you too, just take me, my love", She cried out in happiness just like I knew she would.

Like for reals, don't this girls have an epitome of shame in their body, how can I quickly fall in love with you in a matter of minutes. They are so stupid and naive despite hearing the news of my soon to be marriage and the headlines of my many scandals with other women. Stupid,stupid whores

"DING,DING,DING", I hear the sound of my phone go off which means someone in the office is probably calling me again about a new business contract they just heard about

"For fuck's sake, please switch off your phone, it is starting to annoy me", The Bambi plastic whore who was sitting across me now and touching me in places seductively said to me in an annoyed voice.

Like I give a fuck about how she feels.

"Shh darling, I wud soon be back", I said back to her in a raspy voice to make her still entrapped in my charms, and to make sure she stays just where she is ,ready for me, till I come back

She pouted but she knows she cant refuse me. I grabbed my ringing phone from the bedside where I had put it among my 5 other phones and strutted to the bathroom in just a towel, I had to go to the bathroom because I didn't trust that whore not to blurt out my conversation on my phone to any enemy who needs it

Oh, before I forget, let me introduce myself. I am Harry Da Silver, the inheritor of The Da Silver companies which was the 2nd soon to be 1st largest company in Europe. I own lots of cars and houses across countries and continents, I love no one but my younger sister Nancy ever since our parent died in a car crash that was most intentionally plotted by our enemies and everyone else aside my sis is trash to me. I am ruthless and brutal when it comes to business and I get rid of anyone in my way and lastly but sadly, I am getting married soon to a lowly girl from..........

"Speak", I commanded to the receiver on the phone in my most authoritative voice

"Sir, Words reached me that your sister has been kidnapped", My loyal secretary said to me in a trembling but respectful voice

My Nancy was kidnapped!!!!!!!, Damn Hell cause you are about to break loose

Hey guys, so this is my second story on Wattpad, though on two different accounts. I love you all and please don't forget to like, shared comment

I will be posting a chapter every three days so stay tuned

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