Meeting Her Unknowingly

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Finally, I have found her/his location. She/He is somewhere near the Jaipur border or maybe somewhere in Jodhpur. Is she/he a marvadi now? Well, that is not my concern. First, they were a Shwetian, and now an Indian or a marvadi or whatever.

They would be happy, right? So let's ruin their happiness. With just a hint of their energy, there were positive vibes, if I got near them then I'll be covered in +ve charge.  

Hahaha! That's funny even thinking about it.

*The Next Day*

I have got to the same spot where the energy was spotted. The energy was stronger when moving toward the Ajmer-Jodhpur side. My guess was correct! Now the question is which part to visit first, it's not like Jodhpur is small. It's big. No, huge. Damn huge.

Let's go to Ratanada. Near Umaid Bhawan Palace. It's a nice view there. Maybe they will be there; good people go to good places. 

Her energy will fade away when I reach near to her. I need to be real quick, otherwise, I will lose her. And if I lost her this time there is only a 0.00001% chance that I will be able to reach her. Be quick Tamasia, be quick. You can't lose again.

Okay! So her energy fades away when I am near the area of Umaid Bhawan Palace. Do they live in that area? The area where only rich people can stay or rent. Are they this rich?

I looked at the palace and then went forward to the backyard where I spotted two girls in their teenage sitting on the bench and laughing while talking to each other. I went towards them, and before I went I changed my appearance to a girl of their age. 

I went towards them, and they noticed me.

"Are you lost? We never saw you here before." one of them asked and looked towards the other, who just shrugged.

"No, I am new here. Just roaming around. My parents are in one of the chambers doing some business stuff and all. You know, it all bores me." I tried to be as calm as I could. I, myself, do not trust myself when it comes to anger.

"Yeah! You are just like me. Bored from this business stuff." one of them said in a chirpy voice. This voice reminds me of Yashasvi, her crying when I took away her son. It all came to my mind, giving me pure satisfaction.

I tried to find her, but to my bad, her energy faded. And that too when I saw these two girls. Maybe, one of them is Aannya's daughter. 

"May I sit with you guys? I am bored, and my parents have restricted me to roam around for a long. Maybe they will be happy to find me making new friends." Did I go overboard?

"Yeah! Of course. Come sit with us." One of them said, and the other gestured for me to sit.

"What are your names?"

"Hi. I am Anushka. And she is Vaishnavi."

"Ooh! Hi, I am..."  I couldn't tell them my real name. Okay! Tanisha. It's good."I am Tanisha. It's nice to meet both of you."

"Likewise." They said in unison.

I tried to sound like a teenager but that is damn hard. I, the Queen of Dark Planet, who is over 800 years old, am trying to talk like a teenager. Ridicules. I just want to freeze time and check over their body, but I lost that ability of mine after I committed the so-called unbearable crime of loving a married man. 

"So do you also live in the area near the Taj Hotel, I mean within the area, no, radius, yes radius of 6 kilometres?" Anushka asked looking nervous, meanwhile, Vaishnavi just sat in a comfortable posture.

I didn't know what to answer so I just shrugged.

"Oh, yeah. You told us you are new here." She was still nervous, but why?

I was turned and about to leave, when Vaishnavi said in a sarcastic tone, " You don't live here, right?"

I turned around to find only Vaishnavi sitting there and Anushka on a call a bit far away. I was a bit shocked when she said that. I was using my powers to sound like I belonged from here, then how did she find out?

"Don't be too shocked. I know that you are not from here. Just when you said that you like the cultural dance here, Kaalbaliya. And that's when I got confirmed because Kaalbaliya is the cultural dance of the area in and around Jaisalmer, not here. Just tell us that you are from there. No need to be scared or be nervous." She said first in a stern voice but by the end, she got softer. 

I am going to kill Ageria, he gave me the wrong information. And what does she say, scared, and me? My foot!

"I think, it's time for me to go." 

I left without a word after that. And from the side of my eye saw her calling someone. Doesn't bother me, does that? 

Absolutely not.

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