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I stomp up the stairs of the old abandoned manor I now call home. It's a risk setting up a permanent space, but this place was too good to pass up. Besides, it sits on a small piece of land surrounded by a bog that the Kravis feeds into. Most in the city believe the building is haunted, which is ridiculous. Now that I've taken it over, I encourage the rumours.

In truth, if there are ghosts in this place, they couldn't care less about us.

It's well after midnight when I finally step through the doors of my suite. Typically, after a successful raid, me, Keaton and Viper go out and get blasted. We're too amped up from the thrill of pulling a heist. It sounds terrible, but there's nothing quite as exhilarating as stealing from someone. It's the terror of getting caught mixed with the exhilaration of doing something you know you shouldn't. It's almost as good as sex. Almost.

Tonight, I'm too shaken to celebrate for one good reason: Finch fucking Stewart.

I accepted the undeniable truth once I calmed down from my earlier freakout. The Captain is in Onhama, and I don't believe in coincidences. What concerns me, though, is how he knew I was here. I've done well to hide my tracks all these years. We only set up shop permanently a little over a year ago, and I've never let my true identity slip. Not even Keaton and Vipes know who I am. They only know me as Mercy. They don't even know where I'm from, let alone that I'm the only child of General Roman, martyred during the last Gloaming. They don't know that I'm technically a noble woman, that my title is Lady Naima of House DeLumine. They don't know that I ran away from my life of privilege, my life of leisure. They certainly don't know why. I don't need Finch waltzing into the perfect lie of a life I've constructed and taking a sledgehammer to it all.

My head pounds. I've spent the night looking over my shoulder, squinting at every dark corner, expecting to find him lurking there like the big hulking bastard he is. I've been so on edge I'm amazed I could even pull off the heist.

Entering my room at the top of the turret, I waltz through the double doors that connect the sitting room to my bed chamber. I left the curtains on the big bay window pulled back, which means enough moonlight seeps through to illuminate the room, so I don't bother to light a candle. I peel off my form-fitting black shirt, dropping it on the floor. I release the snap on the cuff on my wrist, letting it, with my weapon wrapped inside, tumble down, too.

I remove the lace bandeaux wrapped around my upper body when the strangest feeling hits me. It's the strange caress of wind. It wraps itself around my bare midsection and gently moves up my neck and through my hair. It unnerves me. I didn't leave my window open. I reach out for the soft, knitted blanket I keep on the end of my bed and drape it around my shoulders. Once wrapped, I casually head towards the bathroom. I need a bottle of wine and a bath.

The strange breeze persists. It grows colder, forcing me to pull the blanket tighter.

Unease down my throat, landing heavily in my stomach. I slide my hand down my left thigh and reach into the hidden pocket inside my pant leg. It holds one of my slim throwing daggers. The blade is needle-thin. Its handle is a beautiful, shiny gold lined with colourful jewels. It's like an overgrown pushpin. I slide it out, and up my thigh, and in one fluid movement, I let it fly to the far right corner of the room.

I throw it hard and so fast. It careens through the air, cutting the wind as it makes its way to the target—the intruder—my room. I don't hear the snick that comes when its blade hits flesh.

A bright, artificial light fills the room in an eerie glow. It's a pocket flame, one of the tiny cubes sold at shops nationwide, filled with enchanted light. This one is particularly powerful, which means it was expensive. Which means its owner has money. Which means its owner is someone I don't want to deal with. Which could be any number of people. Considering the events of this afternoon, I know exactly who it is.

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