Chapter ■ 19| Meditate

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Morning eventually came, everything had gone by as if nothing happens a while ago. That night had sent me shivering at how risky it turned out to be.

we finally got them turned in, Espio handled them as he shoved Rough toward the officers, I remember...I still remember what he said.

"They finally know now where you are

"N-no." I muttered, shooking my head displeased, Espio had already said that they are just trying to get under my skin. But it can't be helped; with this anxious mind, I don't think a simple gesture would help to fleet down my nerves.

"Remember what your goal is (y/n)..."

eyes widened from the scarring voice I mostly hate, its words send out like knives at the back of my ear, aching my restless mind.


"oh honey... you're not a hero in this world"

"Get out please!"

"if I caught you, I'll snap one of your chips."

"I said Get out!"

"(y/n)?" I jerk up from the sudden voice, eyes fixated on the stoic Chameleon who was staring right back at me

"you haven't eaten your food? something bothering you?" Espio asked gently but was hindered with worry.

I waved him off and told him it was nothing, then continued to eat what was on the plate; the meal was excellent and tasty, but it left me with something bothered for today, and I couldn't even enjoy it.

That evening's mission didn't go any better. No matter how I tried to push it aside, that thought kept nagging me about how dangerous this all could be, and that thought made me anxious like no other. But I am trying my best to keep it off, in hopes of not raising any more concerning eyes.

Vector had finally decided to close the agency for today after some deliberation with Espio. Well, Espio had a point because all of them are not in perfect condition after what happened last night, the effects will undoubtedly linger for quite some time, and not only that, the bruises and bandages wrapped around our bodies will not be vital to us if there is a client.

I huffed as we all sat down on the sofa throughout this morning, I could sense all of them are bored since with their cramped body, they couldn't even move well. Not for me, to be frank. throughout the event, I manage to only get a few scrapes and bruises. which is why, I can able to help them with their chore, like a nanny at some point.

"this sucks..." Vector rumbled with a bandage wrapped on his cheek. everyone grunted on their own, agreeing to what their leader had said, surprisingly I can even trace discomfort on Espio's face as he tries to sit on the mat that was placed across the room.

Even if I don't get a lot of bruises, this thing sucks... It's nothing compared to what I do in my world where time flies by; here, while I sat in the living room for what seemed like half an hour, just a minute passed. I huffed in annoyance.

"This is going to take a while..."

Charmy is resting in his room, asleep but breathing normally; I presume he won't come to play with me today, and I'm trapped here sitting and doing nothing.

I slumped myself, bored on the couch while Vector rests on the other side, then, something caught my ear as I saw Espio continues to sit out annoyed, shifting on whatever he is doing while his eyes close.

"What are you doing?"

"*grunt* Meditating."

"and what do you do?" I asked intently, finally opening his eyes and not a minute or so his scales changed colors again in a hue of red.

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