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Banks stirs and I smile softly."Did we fall asleep during movie night?"."Yea"I say amused.

Someone knocks on the door and Banks gets up before holding her hand arms out."What?".

"Come with me"."To the door?"I ask amused.

"Im clingy.And I'm dire need of you".

I roll my eyes and jump in her arms.I wrap my legs around her waist as she kisses me sweetly.

I pepper her in kisses as she laughs softly."Butterfly I'm trying to answer the door"."You're fault for taking me with you".

She pecks me before opening the door.My smile drops as Banks growls.There stood Mr.Carrington and a girl with brown hair and blue eyes.This must Stella.

"You didn't come to dinner last night"."I told you I wasn't going".

"When I tell you to do something you do it"."Not my thing".

She goes to slam the door but he holds the door."I wasn't asking you.Now.We are going to have a family meeting..without her involved".

He gives me a look of annoyance and I almost reach over and backhand him.

"Zoe is staying.She's the one keep me from pushing you out the door and never talking to you again".

Austin pushes through and says "Yea let Zoe stay.She knows everything anyways"."It was none of your business to tell everyone".


Banks growls as her father pushes his way in.Stella looks at me confused before walking to the couch.

"Stay with me?".Banks pleads."Of course Icy Hot".

She kisses me sweetly before walking me back over to couch.This time we sit down in the armchair and I sit down in her lap not facing them.I lay my head on her shoulder as she wraps her arms around me.

"What do you need?"."You weren't at dinner so I thought we have breakfast".

"Obviously I wanted nothing to do with you"."Banks"I warn.

Banks frowns and says "I didn't find a need to attend dinner"."Even when I asked you to join us?".

"You asking wasn't going to change my mind"."Why can't we act like a normal family".

"Geez I wonder why?".

Her father narrows his eyes and says "I told you that I don't remember that ever happening-"."-JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT FUCKING REMEMBER IT DOESN'T ME IT DIDN'T HAPPEN"Banks snaps.

She jets up and I get off her."Banks-"."-Shut up,Stella.The only person who should have a say on this is me and Austin.We were the ones who were there.Instead you ran like a b-".

"Banks"I warn.

She takes a deep breathe and kisses my cheek softly.She closes her eyes and says "I'm not going to sit here and let you downplay my trauma.It happened and I will have to live with it the rest of my life.I'm not going to forgive you because you don't mean your apology".

Not Just Enemies (Callister Academy 1)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now